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Tobias didn't really feel up to lessons today, yes he had good lessons. He just didn't want to get out of bed, or see anyone at the moment. So he laid in bed, with Knight on his chest. Soon enough though, he heard a familiar knock on the door. Draco. He sighed, he could always ignore him. Draco couldn't be that bad, maybe he would understand.

'Come in.' Draco opened the door, fully dressed and a plate of food in hand.
'You weren't at breakfast, so I brought you some. Why aren't you dressed? Are you sick? I can go and get Madam Pomfrey." He rushed out, placing the plate of food on his night stand.
'I'm fine. I just don't want to see anyone, a break from humans. Do you ever get that?' He sat up, Knight went to Draco curling on his lap.
'I get that. Eat, I'll tell the Professors you're sick.' The plate was pushed forward, Knight was laid on his other pillow. Then Draco left.

He took the knife and fork and dug into his favourite foods, they didn't really go together as one meal. Although it was nice to know Draco paid so much attention to him, he finished the food fast and picked up his book on transfiguration. He was enjoying reading, then Professor Snape made his way in.

'Mr. Malfoy informed me of your illness. Thought I'd see if you are okay, don't need you dying do we?' He smirked, knowing Tobias clearly wasn't ill.
'I just don't want to see anyone today. That's all.' Tobias didn't bother lying, he knew it was useless.
'I know that feeling. Transfiguration caught your interest I see.' He closed the book, placing it by his side.
'You know, this used to be my dorm.' Tobias hadn't known that. Dumbledore chose this room.
'Dumbledore gave me this room.' This caused the older man to smile a bit.
'Yes well, I'm afraid that doesn't surprise me. He seems to think we're a lot alike. So, why transfiguration?'
'I like the subject, it's useful. If I had to rank, I would put Potions first. Then defence against the dark arts, then Transfiguration and Charms fourth.'
'Exactly the same as me, I'd have herbology fifth. The plants are used in ingredients, if you learn the backgrounds to them you can improve Potions.'
'Wouldn't that make it important?'
'Yes but I had to take mine with Hufflepuff, and I'm not trying to be offensive, but they do tend to make the lessons sickly. One in particular would always press my buttons saying they couldn't hurt the plants.'
'Really, that's stupid.'
'It was only one, but they all give a positive vibe or aura. Which gets annoying after a while.'
'I want to go to the restricted section, to get higher grade, more advanced books. So I was just wondering if you could give me permission.' It was a tiny risk, he was 11 after all.
'Don't see why not, Dumbledore might have a problem. Then again I don't really care what he wants.' He reached over signing a piece of parchment.
'Thank you.' He smiled at the man whom everyone seemed to hate, but, truthfully isn't that bad.

He nodded to Tobias and left the room, it was lunch time. He hoped that maybe Draco would visit during this break, but to his dismay the door never opened. He could walk around the grounds, if he is careful. He walked over to his dresser, putting on black jeans, black shoes a white t-shirt and a denim jacket. He was searching the grounds. So best to go mainly black. He slipped out the portrait and began ascending the stairs, nobody so far has been in the halls. Hogwarts was rather quiet when the students were in lessons. He quickly made it onto the first floor, when he heard a soft whimper. Was a girl crying?

He pushed open the girls lavatory door and saw a ghost floating round the sink, it was of a girl with Ravenclaw robes. She heard the door and stopped whining, she span round and saw Tobias standing there.

"Go away. This is a girls bathroom, not a boys bathroom." She screamed at him.
'I know, I came in because I heard someone crying. I wanted to know if you're okay.' He stepped closer to the girl, who he could see now was not that old.
'You wanted to check up on me? Me, miserable, mopping, moaning, Myrtle.' She hiccuped and came closer.
'Yes, nobody. Not even you deserve to be upset and alone. What's wrong?' Tobias couldn't care about exploration, someone was upset.
'You can tell me, I won't laugh Myrtle. I can try an help you.' He sat down in the empty sink, next to the poor girl.
'Well, I'm very lonely here. All the children make fun of me you see, even before I died I was bullied. Made fun of for my glasses, picked on for my pony tails. That I got emotional over things I shouldn't. I was alone then, and still am now.' She had started crying again, although it wasn't the wailing it was earlier.
'I'm sorry Myrtle. I can't do anything about your past being lonely, although if you wish I could keep you company. From now on, be a friend possibly. I don't have many, one actually. Back in Muggle school I was bullied. I hated the feeling, nobody should put others down for being different. I'll stay here until the feast, then I have to go. I might visit tomorrow, if I can.' Tobias was beaming at the girl, who had for now stopped crying.
'Nobody visits me, you'll probably forget about me. Once you see your real friends.' She floated off. Tobias wasn't going to give up, he was going to make her feel better.
'I won't, when you went to Hogwarts what was your favourite lesson?'
'I always liked charms, and herbology. The most peaceful, the most boring.'
'I love charms, I was supposed to have herbology today. I just haven't been in my lessons.' She seemed to becoming more comfortable, keep the focus on happy memories. That appeared clear to him.
'Why not? You are very handsome, I don't see why you'd hide your face.' She joined him on the floor, leant against the stalls.
'I just don't like the people here, I agree with you. They're mean.'

The rest of the evening they spoke about school, both now and 50 years ago. Not much had changed, although Tobias was relieved they no longer wore blazers. Tobias forgot about the feast, and kept talking well into the night, finally leaving just before curfew. No matter what Myrtle said, he was definitely seeing her again.

Tobias PotterWhere stories live. Discover now