Part 61

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If you eat fried eggs and chicken will the chicken be insulted

I'm going to ignore that you said that

No really. Or put some sort of dairy based cream sauce with beef

And fish with fish roes

Is that similar to forced caniballism



And no, forced cannibalism is when you make a pig eat bacon

That's disturbing

I know

Cooking pork in bacon grease

I have no idea why you would do that but okay

It might taste good



Don't look at me like that. Bacon makes everything taste good

Frying eggs in bacon grease is good

But pork with bacon grease seems extra

You said you like extra

Your kinda extra

So my extra is special


An exception, of course


I like your extra too

Flash mob extra?

Yeah. But that once was enough

I don't ever plan on asking you to a dance like that again

What about asking me to something else?

To what

Okay maybe not with me, but would you propose to your future boyfriend?

Idk ...

Being married to a deaf person is hard probably

He'd have to love me insanely to face all that extra work in relationship

Anyone can see that the extra work is worth it

You're worth all the stars

Aww. But still

Would you though?

Flash mobs are hard work

I emptied twenty packs of gum to compensate


Things I do for you right


Also, Sadie, may I have this dance?

I can't hear the song :(

Slow song. I'll clap the beat?

I haven't danced in ages

Me neither

C'mon please

Okay :)

A/N I want to guestimate 3-4 more parts before bonus material comes up. Which means ... there are around 3-4 days to bomb me with must-answer questions (because I promised to answer all honestly no matter how irrelevant they are) before I post the q+a chapter :)

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