Part 47

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Greyson's POV

"Hypothetically speaking, if you had a choice, would you rather not have known about her and the accident?"

I stare at Cora, who carelessly swings the glass mug by the handle. It shudders with every movement, and I cringe, expecting a loud shattering sound. I grip the piece of paper in my hand so hard is starts crumpling. Roo squawks from the other room.

"Uh, why do you ask?" A part of me hopes Sadie is asleep. I desperately wish for some sort of script right now

She shrugs. "Just wondering. She's upstairs."

Cora pays no attention to me as I make my way up the steps, even if it creaks when I turn around to look at her.

"Cora?" I ask. She hums in response but doesn't turn to face me. "Is she awake?"

Cora unhelpfully shrugs. "I highly doubt it. But she should wake up now so, go!" She makes a shoo-ing motion with her hand and I grin as I make my way to Sadie's room.



She laughs and I let myself into the room on the right of the steps. Eeyore jumps up, tail wagging, from his post by her bed. I put the paper on her desk.

Sadie has a pillow twisted under her head, and I can't see her face from under the strands of hair.

"Sadie?" I call quietly. Eeyore goes back to the bed and rests his snout on the bed.

She shifts in her sleep, and I sit down on the bed next to her. She tilts towards me.

"Hey," I tap her shoulder gingerly, and her eyelids flutter, and her unfocused gaze lands on me.

Alarmed, she sits up and lets out a small gasp. Out of instinct, I grab onto her wrist. Both our eyes shoot down.

We sit like that for a while, no one moving, no one looking at each other. She tugs and my fingers loosen.

"Shit Sadie, sorr-" before I get my words out she throws her arms around me. Her warm smell surrounds me, and slowly, my arms come around to hug her back. Her cheek rests against my shoulder, every breath coming as a puff against my neck.

A/N :)

Call You (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora