Part 19

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A/N More surprise ... reaction to the last chapter? Also ... the cast is up :) Ugh, Pinterest is my friend when looking for pictures xD

Sadie's POV

My heart drops to my feet the moment I see Greyson's face at the door, behind a pretty brown haired girl who is smiling brightly at me.

Greyson's black hair is flat one side, jacket wrongly slung over his shoulder, glasses askew.

He looks as good as the day I saw him first.

My petty heart stammers as my crush, which I have worked so hard to squash, sparks back to life in seconds.
I don't even know him that well. 

Right. I knew him before the accident. 

I only knew that his favorite color was green, his favorite book was Harry Potter, and that he hated spiders. 

That was a long time ago.

I turn to Mom, who obliviously introduces me to him and the pretty girl. 

Tell them it's nice to meet them, I try to discreetly sign.

Greyson's eyes widen as he registers my hand movements, and I don't meet his gaze ashamedly.

"She says it's nice to meet you." Mom smiles at me and pulls me to her, and I endure her side hug stiffly. 

When she turns away, I can't read her lips, but whatever she says must have explained my muteness.

Felicity's eyes brighten, and she turns to me.

'Are you deaf?' Her fingers move expertly. I nod, sudden shyness overcoming me. 

"I am F-E-L-I-C-I-T-Y. This is my brother G-R-E-Y-S-O-N. We live next door."

Next door?

Eeyore puts his paw on my foot and I look down to meet his happy gaze. His tongue lolls out and his doggy grin says, "Are you happy? I'm happy!"

How do you know how to sign? I ask. Felicity and Mom beams, while Greyson stands confused behind.

'One of my friends in middle school was deaf, and I kept learning after she moved.'

I grin back at her. Her smile is contagious.

Greyson says something to his sister, who turns to me. Mom immediately laughs and pulls his poor soul to the kitchen.

'Greyson seems to know you,' she tells me, stepping closer to me. Eeyore sits up straight, begging for attention. 

I returned a lost book to him, I tell her warily. She nods, and kneels, and looks up at me to see if she can pet my dog and I nod. 

Eeyore likes her, but suddenly scampers off towards the kitchen, returning moments later to nose his snout under my hand to let me know my mom wanted me. 

I ask Felicity, Hey, are you staying for dinner? Also, I should go save Greyson from my mom's clutches.

She grins and signs, 'Mrs. Massie said you made dinner - it sure beats microwaved teriyaki.'

A/N your sleep deprived author sings ... PLOT TWISSTTTT! Not really...
I lost my essay again so I uploaded everything to Google drive. I'm not happy about it but can't afford to loose another paper.

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