Chapter sixteen

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Despite everything, my consionce And better ideas I left the room at seven. My stomach growls and even hurts. It's hard to navigate the mansion, despite Lucians tour. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention when he showed me around. I was distracted, though I'm sure no one can blame me for that. I know little of the hallway from the tour but I know enough to find my way to the stairway. My steps ache loudly down the hallway making me feel quite lonely. I wish my father were here. The railing is slick beneath my hands. I look down at my nails, the paint now chipped. Taking a deep breathe I convince my feet to walk the rest of the way down the stairs. On the main floor I temporarily ignore the doors to the dining room and stare out the glass windows outlining the front doors. The sky is still dark but slightly less cloudy. I can't see the sun.

Eventually I tear my eyes for the window and pull open the dining room doors. The room is dark but empty. No one is here. I'm not sure how to feel about that, relieved or disipointed. I had wanted to ask the beast about my families well being. Or an escape. Preferably the second one. A feast fit for royalty is laid out upon the table with only candles to light it. The candles are fake though, probably to prevent a fire. I slip into the room the great doors closing behind me with a creak. I sit in the only spot with a plate and utensils. For a minute I just sit and stare at the meal, that is until my stomach protests with a growl. I carefully lift a bun half expecting the beast to jump out of the shadows and snarl. Nothing happens.

When I sure this isn't a trap-or at least as sure as my stomach gives me time for-I start my meal. The food is better than anything I've ever tasted and I eat until I'm full and can't eat anymore. My belly strains against the dress. I may have eaten to much. I hiccup, I definitely ate to fast anyway. I yawn. I should really go to bed, it's been a very stressful day. I stand and turn pushing my chair into the table once more. For a moment I think I see a But if movement in the shadows, but when I look there's nothing there. I must just be tired and seeing things. My mind protests that I've never seen things like that even when I stayed up all night cleaning but I ignore it. It's been a very stressful day after all. 

The doors swing shut behind me with a groan and I make my way back up the stairs. This time I could swear I hear a creaking form inside the dining room and the plates stacking against each other. I'm sure it's just one of the staff cleaning up. I wonder if it's Lucian or The woman. It occurs to me that I don't know her name. Guilt pulses in my chest but it's easy to push away. I'll ask in the morning. I close the door to my room even though it won't do much good with the two giant holes in the wood. I pull off my shoes and head to the closet. After closing the doors I change into a nightgown in the privacy. By the time I get layed down in bed I'm so tired that my eyes droop and I can barely keep them open.

I crawl on to my pillow and collapse. I have no idea why I'm so tired but it feels as if I will never wake up again. My nightgown is soft and my pillow is cool on my face. I close my eyes sighing in relief. I barely have time to form the though, 'I hope the beast didn't decide to kill me' before I enter the darkness that awaits me in my sleep. 

petals fall (a modern beauty and the beast retelling) discontinuedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat