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A/N - Thanks to Cupcakecature for helping me develop some of the story structure. Xx 😘

Ben dragged Dom upstairs the second he got inside, right up into his drafty bedroom. He closed the door and grabbed Dom's arm to pull him to sit on his bed. Dom winced and let out a small yelp as Ben touched his bruise and Ben pulled away quickly, looking at Dom in horror. Dom sat down opposite Ben on the bed and took in his expression.
"Are you... okay?" Ben stutters.
"Umm yeah, I'm good." Dom sounded unsure of his own answer.
"Come on Dom! You can't pretend that didn't just happen! What's on your wrist?"
"It's nothing." Dom snapped. He came in thinking that he'd be able to hide this from Ben. Really Dom? How did he think Ben with his humongous bleeding heart wouldn't notice if Dom was hurting?
"Let me see, please Dom." Ben reached forward, and when Dom didn't pull away, he took it as a sign to carry on.
When Ben touched his hand, Dom felt a warmth and comfort that he'd never felt before. Ben's touch was comforting and reassuring, and Dom suddenly felt at ease. Ben pushed up his sleeve slowly and gasped when he saw the red, bruised skin. Taking a closer look he noticed the long finger marks that wrap around like a bracelet.
"Who did it?"
"What, no. I - I - um-"
"Drop the act, Dom. I'm not stupid, this is a handprint."
Dom sighed heavily. Ben nearly missed the quiet whisper Dom let out under his breath. "It was Isaac"
Ben froze. "Isaac, your boyfriend?" Dom nodded. You could literally see the steam coming off Ben.
"Please, Ben. Don't do anything. He didn't know, he won't do it again, I promise."
"But Dom-"
"No. Please. Give him another chance!"
"Fine. But if anything else happens you tell me ok?"
"Ok, Lofty, fine,"
"You live in a loft, mate. It fits" Ben smiled and shook his head.
"You remind me of Robyn."
"My friend from my primary. She called me the same thing when I got stuck in her loft when we were playing hide and seek once"
Dom smirked and stood up. "See you soon?"
"See ya Dom"

Zosia was furious. She'd just met up with Dom and Ben (Arthur was off with his girlfriend, Morven) at Ben's house and had seen the bruises for the first time.
"What the hell Dom! You can't let him treat you like this!"
"No it's not like that! It's just grown up!"
"No it isn't! It shouldn't be violent. Oh Dom-"
"Ben agreed to give him one more chance, why can't you?"
Zosia turned to look at a very red Ben, "You knew?"
"And you didn't think to tell me?"
"Zosia, I thought it was best to give Isaac another shot. It's what Dom wants. It's Dom's life,"
"And Dom's my friend. I don't want him getting hurt"
"Neither do I but-"
"You're gonna let it happen again!"
"No, Zosia. I-"
"Zosh, leave poor Ben alone. I want this. I want to give him another shot." Dom pulled her into a quick hug. "Trust me."
Zosia's eyes welled with tears as she hugged Dom back, before turning to Ben and hugging him too. Ben looked at Dom over Zosia shoulder, eyes wide. Dom just laughed softly and said, "I've just learnt to roll with it"

Zosia and Dom had left Ben's house and suddenly being hit by some form of nostalgia, Ben decided to give Robyn a call.
The phone rang and rang and just as Ben was about to give up, someone picked up the phone.
"Hey, Robyn! It's me"
"Oh My God, Lofty?"
"Hey Robyn. How've you been?" Robyn proceeded to chat endlessly about... practically everything and how much much she had missed Lofty. Lofty smiled and told her about Dom, Zosia and Arthur (and avoiding Isaac and his drama as much as he possibly could) and how much Dom reminded him of her. Robyn laughed and put Max on the phone so Lofty could catch up him as well.

Several hours later Ben put the phone down. A smile on his lips. His parents weren't too happy about all the noise he'd been making but, oh well talking to Robyn and Max was worth it. Ben had missed being Lofty, and that day when Dom had called him it, he felt like he was back in year six, tearfully saying goodbye to Robyn and Max, even though he spent most of the holidays with them anyway. He was glad to have finally found another Robyn. Not that he'd even replace her, but he needed another good friend. And now he'd found one. He thought back to the other friends he'd made because of Robyn and Max; Max's odd relationship with Zoe (secretly he still wanted them to be together - for real this time), the odd yet reliable friendship he held with Dylan. Oh God, Ben missed Lofty and his friends very much. Hopefully soon, Ben could become him once again.

Looking out the window, Ben saw Dom leave his house and walk down the drive, turning left; the opposite direction that he came the other way. Ben assumed he was off to Isaac's so he grabbed his phone and unlocked it. Scrolling to Dom's contact he opened a new message. Ben sat there for a while staring at the keyboard. He typed out many drafts, but none seemed right. Finally he just settled for a simple 'be safe xx Lofty'.  He saw Dom stop in the street and check his phone. Then he looked up towards Lofty's window and nodded. Ben imagined his small smile and smiled sadly in response.

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