We Have To Work Together

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"Are you sure about this, Tony?" Harry asked nervously.

"Very. If we're going to work together, then I've got to know what you can do and if anything's going to affect me or my suit or toys," Tony replied.

"And you understand that I'm likely to blow up a lot of the stuff in here, right?" Harry tried again, eyeing what he was certain was something worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Won't know until you actually do something. So. Get on with it," Tony ordered, waving his hands in a 'shooing' motion.

With one last sigh, Harry snapped his wrist causing his wand to jump from its holster into his hand.

"I just aim for that target over there?" he asked.

"For the last time, yes. Are all your people this squeamish about using your magic hocus pocus?" he asked.

In reply, Harry straightened and snapped off a basic reductor at the target.

As the jet of red light shot towards the target, machines throughout the room sparked and the holographic displays stuttered.

"Alright! Now we're getting somewhere," Tony remarked, his hands a blur on his computer. "Do it again."

Harry complied, making the small hole in the target twice as big. This time, smoke curled up from the big machine closest to where he was aiming

"How are we coming, Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"I am detecting an unknown form of energy," Jarvis replied. "It is interfering with my scans and shorting out my systems."

"Expected," Tony muttered. "Harry, try something a little different this time."

After a quick think, Harry focussed on a nearby piece of metal and gave his wand a quick swish and flick, levitating it until it was hovering just above head height.

"That's good," Tony said, switching from one computer to the next one along. "How long can you hold it?"

Harry shrugged. "A while."

"Good, keep it up," Tony commanded. "Whatever that energy is that you're putting out, it's definitely affecting the usual electronics. Oddly enough, my ARC reactor only gave a brief stutter before settling down, seemingly unaffected. That could be a key to working it out." After a while he glanced up, although his hands were still moving on the keypads. "Okay, you can drop that and try something else; maybe something with a shorter but more intense burst if possible?"

Harry released the wingardium leviosa on the metal pipe and turned to face Tony.

"Short and intense magic?" he repeated.

Tony looked up at him. "Yeah. You can do that, right?"

In reply, Harry simply turned on his heel and disappeared with a crack, reappearing right beside Tony with an identical crack.

"Like that?" he asked with a lopsided grin.

Tony, though, was staring at him from where he'd stumbled away, one hand on his chest.

"Sheesh, Potter, don't do that! What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?" he asked, before instantly changing tacts. "You can disappear from one spot and reappear somewhere else instantaneously?"

"Yeah. We call it apparating," Harry replied with a shrug.

"What's the range?" Tony asked.

Harry shrugged. "Depends a lot on how powerful the wizard is, really. Most can make it from Scotland to London in one go, if that's any help."

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