Chapter 1

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Your pov.

"You fat pig" "you should die already" "what a fat moron" these words stung you like a bee. Quick but painful, right in the heart. It didnt matter anyway, you were going to commit suicide today. Your tired of the bullshit this world gives you and tbh there isnt much you have at home. You live by yourself and your broke asf. You dont talk at all, thats another reason ppl bully you for. All because your "fat" and wont talk.

Its lunch time at school which gives you the perfect amount of time to go to the roof and jump off. Simple and quick. You've actually been planning this death for a few days now and today is the perfect day. Its sunny and the smell of flowers roam the air. You made your way to the rooftop and walked to the edge. You laughed out loud, almost like a maniac. This is it, it ends right here right now. You managed to climb on the railing balancing out your chubby body. You jumped easily and stayed quiet, waiting for the impact and sudden death. You closed your eyes and waited. Wait..what? Why havent i died yet? I opened my eyes and was faced with a handsome man wings? They're so big, is this real? Maybe i died and i didnt feel it. Maybe im in heaven. "Y/n ive been waiting for you."

(A/n im sorry that this chapter is short but ill update it soon..i wanted to say thank you to all my readers for voting on my other book and for being such awesome army..I love you all. See you soon)

Tears (V Fallen angel x chubby reader ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora