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The next Wednesday at school, Arin was welcomed with bitter expressions from almost everyone in school. She just smiled knowing who was behind this. She hated these people anyway so it was nice knowing that the feeling was mutual.

When she arrived at her seat in 1st period once again, Sehun asked, "Like the new treatment babe?" with a devilish smirk.

"Very much actually, thanks. And bye the way, don't babe me. I have a boyfriend.", she replied.

"And who might that be? Your pet rock? Your couch? Your wifi? Oh, I know! It's an anime character isn't it?", he asked cackling hysterically at his own non-humorous jokes.

Arin's P.O.V.

I didn't want to bring Jun into the situation so I just rolled my eyes and ignored Sehun for the rest of the class. Today is gonna be a chill day for me. I wanna lay back and relax.

(Time Skip - Lunch)

When I got to the lunch table with the guys and girls they all looked antsy. "What's up?", I asked. "Well almost everyone in the school hates your guts.", Seungcheol said. "Well yeah, I kind of knew that already.", I replied.

"And that's not all- there's a rumor going around the school that you've slept with-", Seungkwan said but the members interrupted him saying I shouldn't know.

What do they not want me to know? wait... DID HE JUST SAY THERE'S A RUMOR GOING AROUND THAT I SLEPT WITH SOMEONE!?

"Who!?", I asked, infuriated. They looked away from me, in nervousness. "Please... tell me...", I begged. This is crazy. He's gone way to far. I don't care if the whole school hates me but if it's for the wrong reasons then what's the point!? My eyes got a bit watery and my eyes hurt trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Me", Jun replied quietly. No way... we never slept together though... Why is Sehun even bringing him into this? He doesn't know that we're dating, does he? No. He's probably doing this since he knows the past drama between me and him and using it to make me look like a slut.

I can't do this anymore.

I ran out of the cafeteria, into the outskirts of campus. I ignored the looks from people, the calls from my friends, and wandered around. I sighed. I needed to get out of there. Soon enough, I felt warm droplets of salt water run down my cheek.

I didn't see anyone around so I curled myself into a ball; hugging my knees and burying my head into them and proceeded to cry my heart out. I'll get my revenge Sehun.

As if on cue, I heard a voice say, "So what's it like being the school's slut, Arin?". I quickly wiped away my tears and looked at the owner of that voice straight in the eye with pure hatred.

"You took it too far Sehun."

"Oh, but what's life without risks?", he asked with a smug face. Suddenly, he pulled me up from the bench I was crying on, into his arms until our faces were a few inches away from eachother.

"What the fuck!?", I said while I tried to get out of his grip. What is he doing? Hasn't he messed with me enough?

"Let's see how much of a slut you really are."

Wait... what? My mind went completely blank for a moment before I noticed Sehun going in for a kiss.
He held his grip around my arms harder and I almost panicked for a minute before I decided to fight back.

I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine which sent him stumbling back in agony holding his crotch. I chuckled before saying,

"This isn't over Sehun. I'll get my revenge."

Author's Note : How anti-climactic lol. My writing skills really do suck...

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