Pretty U

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Mingyu and I joked in the car while he drove me to Jeonghan's House. He also complimented me a lot on my outfit. The truth is,Jennie, Vernon' s Girlfriend, begged me to her doll me up, since I "haven't been to a party for, like, a billion years".

Since I'm kinda a smarty, I told her that homo sapiens were created about 200,000 years ago so humans didn't even exist for billions of years, not even close! (Tmi, I know) 

But eventually,  I let her do it, and she did pretty good. (Ofcourse, cause it's Jennie) I was nervous about how everyone would react when they saw me at a party. I mean I see them at school and when we just hang out, but at a party it was different.



We arrived

I don't know why I'm freaking out. I mean, I know all the guys and their gfs but, I didn't want to see them. Tzuyu and Jun. Tzuyu's a complete bi- female dog (😅😉) and Jun's a naive asshole.

"Babe let's go" Mingyu said as he escorted me from the car to Jeonghan's front door. I inhaled a sharp breath. "You can do this, babe.", I heard him say as he looked at me with eyes full of pure love. My heart aches. I'm sorry, I thought to him and smiled. "It's okay", he said, as if reading my mind. I looked at him shocked, but shrugged it off. It was probably just a coincidence... I thought. "Thanks.", I said as we ringed the doorbell.

"Arin!", I heard Joshua say while giving me a tight hug. I hugged him back, "If you choke me, you'll have to pay for the funeral",I said breathlessly. He laughed and invited me in.

[*I'm going to put the members' names and who they're dating in ( )]

Turns out we were early, while I was was looking arond,only Joshua (Jeonghan), Vernon (Jennie), Woozi  (Dahyun), and...ugh...Jun (Tzuyu) Why out of everyone else where they so early?

After everyone greeted eachother, (exept I didn't greet the you know whos) Daehyun suggested that we play truth or dare. Everyone agreed and at the time everyone had arrived,

Wonwoo (Lisa), Hoshi (Rosè), Seungkwan (Jihyo), Minghao (Single), DK (Jisoo), Seungcheol (Single), Lee Chan (Single),

So why not?We started from Jeonghan  'till it was Tzuyu's turn. She chose to ask me. Fuck. I chose truth, cause these people can come up with some pretty crazy dares. I mean- Jennie almost threw up when Lisa dared her to have spoon of mayo, someone almost called the cops on us when Hoshi was attempting to yodell, and Jeonghan almost choked DK when he dared him to cut an inch of his hair.

"Who did you like before Mingyu?"

"Taehyung", I heard a few "oohs" & "ahhs" but when I look at Jun, his fists were clencehed. I smirked. Well, it wasn't a 100% lie... He used to be
in my science class and I thought he was cute, but I didn't like him. "Really?", Mingyu asked. "Don't be jealous ", I teased.

"Ok", Tzuyu said, disappointed. She knew that I knew that she was cheacting (wow, that was confusing) so she was out to get me. Little does she know that I have more than a few tricks up my sleeves to go against her.

Now it was Jun's turn, and surprise, surprise, he picked Mingyu. "Dare me.", Mingyu said with a glare in his eyes. Jun looked him straight in the eye and said, "Kiss someone, besides Arin, on-the-lips." Everyone was silent. We were just doing fun dares, but now it's a game of life or death, and boy were we on. I was about to object, but Mingyu sat up, walking towards Jun. And leaned down, with his face a few inches from Jun's.

Oh shit... are they gonna fight...?

Oh boy was I wrong

"WHAT THE FUCK!?", I heard Jun yell. RIGHT.AFTER.MINGYU.KISSED.HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was dying, along with the rest of the guys, from laughter. Looks Mingyu knew what he was doing. Tzuyu was burning. Like- literally, I could see smoke coming out of her ears. Lmao she deserves it.

A few games later we had dinner, aka pizza, pasta, macaroni, chips, soda, etc. Then we started dancing, it was like a frat party. We were switching partners and I was currently dancing with, The man, the myth, the legend...

Naega Hoshi

Until...I heard someone from behind me say, "Can we switch?" Hoshi nodded and walked away from me while giving me a 'watch out' look. As I turned around I saw Jun standing right from me. "Hey", he said nervously. "Hi", I replied. Why does he want to dance with me...? "You look pretty..."

It was quiet for a while aftet that. "So, You haven't even looked at me for a week and now this? You're really difficult.", I said, breaking the ice.

"Yup. I just want to talk.",he replied. "Is it about Tzuyu?", I asked, hesitating to talk to him after such a while. "Kinda..." "Then I'm not interested.", I said coldly. "I want to find out if you were right about... you know... her cheating...", he added as the music changed to a slow song. "I don't care." "Why not?",.

"Thats exactly what I've  been trying to tell you for the last year!But did you care? NO! Why should I help you now!?" whisper-shouted.

His face fell and his eyes glistened. He's still as handsome as ever... He looked like he was gonna cry. It reminded me of that time when-


Author's Note - I'm a really shitty writer, I know. No one reads this
anyways though so it's Gucci 👌

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