Chapter Eight - Living The Dream

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Having smoked his evening weed, Fishy went to sleep earlier than usual. He needed lots of energy at the school year inauguration, after all.
He woke up in a room that he didn't recognize as his. Fishy decided to take a look around. It was slightly old-fashioned. Candles, stone walls and golden chandeliers, also fancy gobelins on top of that all. The room was perfectly clean and Fishy thought out loud:

-I wonder who could've cleaned up this room so neatly?

Just a few seconds later he heard a loud noise, which sounded like a head banging against a metal bell, coupled with some angrily spat-out swear words. Then, an elderly man came in, still rubbing his head.

-Oh, Fishy! Awake already? You're late for breakfast, so you'll have to go right to the training grounds. I'm sure you can get there without any trouble. Then do whatever the drill master tells you to do! Have fun! - The old guy got out as quickly as he came in, leaving Fishy with no time to ask any questions.

On his way to the training grounds, he noticed that even without his glasses, he was seeing everything clearly. He also wasn't feeling any weed hunger, which was an odd experience.

When he barely made it to the drill master's place, he saw everybody holding swords. Fishy heard the drill master yelling at his trainees:

-Ye mofos, the Weed Warriors will arrive here any minute now, so better train hard for the last hours of your miserable lives!
Oh, there he is, our „hero"! Come over here, Fishy. I'm so merciful that I won't impale you right away for being late. Scouts report that our humble outpost will come under attack in less than an hour, so better have your fancy pants prepared!

-I will prove to you I'm better prepared than anyone else here! - said Fishy, unsheathing his sword.

-You dare defy my authority? Very well, I don't need undisciplined pricks like you in the army. I'll gladly make you scream of pain...

Fishy stepped towards the drill master, challenging him to strike first, though it's worth mentioning that the rules didn't allow duels to death between soldiers. These harsh legal conditions meant it couldn't be any more than 'to first blood'.

Fishy had to make sure that the first blood of his foe would be the last blood as well.

They clashed swords and Fishy quickly gained an upper hand, until his foe found himself parrying more and more of Fishy's furious attacks. Our hero then performed an impressive combo, catching the drill master off guard and dealing a massive wound to his head. The loser retreated slowly to the fielt hospital, bleeding, ashamed and full of regret. Afterwards, there was a period of silence. The alarming kind of silence. Fishy knew that the enemy were already here.
Not much later he saw weed bombs in the sky. Falling boulders of hardened, burning weed were used to lower the spirits of the defenders and make them high at the same time. The soldiers, now led by Fishy, regrouped and made a move to where these bombs were coming from. They finally saw a group of siege camps, most outfitted with trebuchets, designed to throw the dreaded bombs. With a loud battlecry, Fishy charged into the Weed Warriors. He hacked and slashed them, dealing a thousand times more wounds than he received. He finally cleared his way to the enemy commander. He was wearing shiny, silver-ish green, plate armor with matching leggins and boots. He also was holding a blade that was somehow burning with a bright green flame. He stood there, looking at Fishy, indifferent to his charge. When our hero took a closer look, he recognized... ...Froggy?

-So you have betrayed me and my army? You shall taste my blade for your impunity!

-I am stronger than you now, for I have the whole weed army at my command. Not even your fighting prowess can save you this time! Eat my fiery spheres of destruction!

Having said that, Froggy started to shoot waves of flame with quick swings of his sword. Fishy did his best to dodge them, though one did graze his sword-arm. He couldn't wield his weapon properly because of that. Led by instinct, he focused his willpower at his fingertips and feeling a strange power in him, began firing lightning bolts at Froggy, which took him down very quickly, due to his metal armor. He then proceeded to kill even more of the Weed Warriors using all the spells that came to his mind, including: Spontaneous Combustion, Weed Shockwave, Instant Disintegration, etc. Blinded by his battle rage, he lost vision of the battlefield. The sounds of fighting faded away.

He came to his senses in the same room he woke up countless times already. (Actually, it was the 21 063rd day of his life, so it's not quite countless).

-Damn, that was one weird dream! - Fishy thought. - Though wielding magic surely felt good. Gotta try that again sometimes. Let's hope Snoop will give me more of his Secret Weed®!

He quickly got ready and prepared himself for the school year opening. He set off for the IIIrd LO.

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