My eyes locked with someone in the doorway that held pain, worry, and anger. I wasn't too sure how that all worked, but as soon as our eyes locked the head vanished and any sense of helplessness I had left vanished. I narrowed my eyes at the spot he had been, and closed my mouth into a grimace.

The change in my attitude alerted the room. Instantly everybody was starting to move around and talking loudly, now that they were not afraid of scarring me. They all started to beg me trying to understand what had happened. I refused to talk to anyone right now.

"Did somebody call the doctor yet?" The beta asked.

"Yeah she should be here in 5 minutes," Somebody else across the room answered.

After what felt like an hour a women with a small pinched face and a few wrinkles lining her face came in. She had beady brown eyes and salt and pepper hair pulled back into a bun.

"What happened?" she asked sitting on the edge of the bed I was laying on.

The nice boy replayed what happen to me, and the women nodded her head deep in thought. She then asked everyone who was not necessary for being in here to leave. That left only the Alpha the Beta and the nice boy in room with the doctor. The nice boy stayed after a look of panic started to cross my face when he started to move and the doctor asked him to stay.

"I'm Dr. Keller. How are you feeling hon?" She asked me.

I shook my head telling her not to well. She pulled out her bag and searched around for a while. She pulled out a needle and gave me a shot explaining it will help numb some of the pain I was in. She instructed the Beta to go out and get me some juice or water to replace some of the blood loss. I would have laughed at the fact she just ordered around the Beta, but I was still in shock. She started to stitch up my head, commenting that they should have probably come to her earlier. The cut in my head had bled out a lot.

"Do you have any clothes for her to change into?" The Dr. Keller asked the Alpha.

"I'll go see what we have. She might be able to wear one of my son's shirts as a nightgown for now." I growled at the mention of his son. I never wanted to see him again. How could he do that to me. He knew that I was already frail enough as it was. I didn't need him to yell at me over something I hadn't really done.

They all eyed me confused by the sound. Alpha Steffans gave one last glance at me and then vanished to go find a shirt.

"My dear could you go wash the blood off of your body." I nodded at the doctor and then was led to the bathroom by the nice boy. He grabbed for a towel and a bar of soap from the cabinets, and handed it over to me leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I slowly pulled off the blue dress and let it fall to the floor around my feet. I then pulled off all of my undergarments and walked into the tub. I turned on the shower not really caring what the temperature was, which right now was cold. I was sitting on the floor of the tub with the cold water pelting my arms and legs.

I was going to break down in the shower I knew it. I started to shake as I could feel a great sob start to wrack my body. The way it felt starting the pit of my stomach and making its way up was unbearable. It was like you knew it was coming and nothing you could do could stop it. It reached my throat and I was ready to open up my mouth to let the sob escape when I suddenly realized the reason for the sob.

I wasn't crying because of my family. I wasn't crying because of what I thought they would do to me. No, I was crying because of that bastard. That stupid moron that had left me. I swallowed the sob and stood up. I wasn't going to show any weakness. I was Eliana Jenner. Nobody should make me feel like this, let alone a boy. I had something new driving me now. I was going to show everyone they couldn't crack me, that I was strong and could do everything on my own without their help.

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