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beef brain

the group watched as nancy and jonathan drove into the labs grounds. amelia's eyes followed the car all the way into the main entrance of the building.

she stepped away from under steve's comforting arm and narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better look of another car parked in the front. "is that... hopper's car?"

steve walked besides her, trying to see what she sees. he nodded slowly with his brows slightly furrowed. "yeah, i think so."

she blinked blankly, looking down. she itched the back of her head and started humming the synthetic beats at the beginning of time after time by cydni lauper.

steve turned to her with furrowed brows as he wondered why she was humming at a pretty nervous yet relieving moment like this. hopper isn't dead somewhere, so amelia shouldn't be as nervous.

amelia glanced at him as she chewed on her lip before turning to the kids, waiting by the security box. her eyes fell on dustin and then averted to the box.

"is there uh, a radio speaker in there?" amelia asked as she walked up to the boy. "um..." he reached to the radio in a lower shelf. "here."

amelia grabbed it from him began tuning the radio to a random channel. "what are you–" amelia shushed the curly haired boy, finally setting it on a channel that was too far, only playing static. she sat and leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes.

amelia has never done an attempt to go to 'the void'. she's only ever seen eleven do it and sometimes walked in on her doing it to see mike. the noirette wasn't sure if she acquired that power, but it didn't hurt trying.

amelia sighed heavily as she felt a usual headache come up in the nape of her head. she was sensing something—going somewhere.

"jane?" the girl whispered.

"who's jane?" max mumbled to the boys. lucas and dustin looked at each other, ignoring max's question.

"lia?" steve called as he walked to the group. she shook her head, the small talking ruining her concentration.


"just shut up!" she whispered in frustration, her head hurting a lot already. her eyes fell on the two boys, hoping that they wouldn't find out what she was up to, but they're not stupid. they knew, obviously.

she shut her eyes and brought herself back into that mindspace, doing her best to take herself back. "jane." the radio static simply grew quieter in her mind, making her brows twitch.

eleven has described to her that it should get louder before going away.

amelia sighed and turned off the helpless radio before rubbing her temples, the pain traveling there. "shit."

"who are you talking about?" lucas blurted. amelia shook her head and looked up to him, noticing the bandana on his forehead.

"let me borrow that." she mumbled. lucas furrowed his brows. "what?"

amelia clicked her tongue and grabbed the yellow patterned bandana from him herself. before she put it on, she turned on the radio back on. "just stay quiet, okay?"

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