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     I look up at the starry sky above me as I sit in the meadow. It was a cool summer evening, and the breeze gently caressed my skin. It made me miss my mate's touch. I have been trapped here for about two months now, though I won't ever give up in trying to to get home to my family. I try reaching out with the Force so I could try to feel her. For some reason, we could only communicate through our bond in the evenings until midnight. "Fel'ena?" I ask in my thoughts.

     "Xoreis?" I hear her answer. She sounds excited, much how I feel now that I hear her voice and feel her presence.

     "It's me, Angel... I miss you..." I tell her. "I haven't given up, I'm still looking for a way home. I promise you, I will return."

     I could feel her smile, though I knew tears ran down her cheeks. "I miss you too- I know you will... I can't wait to see you again..."

     I smile and mentally grasp her hand. "I can't wait to see you, either." I look up at the sky again and, judging my the position of the moon, guess that is is nearly midnight. "We will lose our communication, soon, Cherry Blossom; but remember that I am there with you in heart."

     "I'll remember... I love you, Xoreis."

     "I love you too, Fel'ena..." I reply, then I feel her no longer. I sit there in the meadow and stare up at the sky, tears brimming. I miss her so, so much... she is my lifeline and my life. I get to my feet and make sure my wife's lightsaber is still with me, as well as my own, then I walk through the meadow to head back to the house I am staying in. As I walk along, however, I seem to hear my name on the wind. I glance around. "Who's there?"

     "Xoreis..." The voice whispers.

     I furrow my brow and glance around, then look back at the forest behind me. Normally, I wouldn't follow some voice that called my voice, but I felt compelled to follow... so before I even knew it, I find myself following the voice. I walk along a path through the forest, then I come to a river. The voice is now to my left, so I turn left and continue to walk. What could this be? What was happening? Though I have no idea, I follow anyways; somehow I feel as if it will get me home.

     I continue walking then stop when I reach an uphill slope. I listen and hear the voice at the top of the hill, so I continue walking once again. The path takes me to a cabin- pretty small, but big enough for one or two people. I look at it curiously, walk over to the door, then I knock.

     The door opens as I step back, and a Zabrak with the same colored skin and same tattoo pattern I have opens the door. "Xoreis?" He asks, and I blink. Who was this man... wait- "Dad?"

     The Zabrak steps closer to me, right up to me, then puts a hand on my shoulder as he studies me before he pulls me into a hug. "You're alive... you're here..."

     I hug him back with a smile, then I pull back as a pale yellow female zabrak runs over and joins my father and I in the hug. "Mom..." I murmur with a smile. After a moment, I pull back.

     "It is so good to see that you're well.." My mother tells me. "How did you end up here?"

     "Pirates." I reply, then tell the story of how I got here. I had been with my wife, sons, daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter before I got a call saying a woman and her children were being attacked by pirates but, when I got there, I had been ambushed by pirates, and crashed on this planet with no way back home. I then told them about the voice on the wind that led me here.

     "The Force had part in that, no doubt." My father tells me. "We actually have a ship here."

     My hearts nearly leap out of my chest. "You do?" I ask, failing at hiding my excitement and desperation. I need my mate... she's my lifeline and the reason I'm alive this day. I don't know what I'd do without her... I probably would have killed myself. She literally saved me... I have to get back to her.

     My mother nodded. "You can use it... you need to be with your family." She tells me.

     I feel a little bad, though, since I was just reunited with my parents. My mother seems to sense this and gives me an understanding smile. "Go." She says. "They need you; we will meet again if the Force wills it." I look at my father, who nods in agreement with the same understanding smile, then I smile and pull them both into a hug. "Thank you.."

     "Of course, Xoreis." My mother says, then gently pushes me away. "Go on." She hands me the keys as she speaks.

     I nod and smile at them, glancing back at them one last time before I hurry off to the ship, which I now see sitting in their backyard. I waste no time in getting on the ship, starting it, then taking off. "I'm coming, Fel'ena..." I murmur.


     My hearts leap once again when I see the planet below me; Coruscant. I land the ship and hurriedly hail a taxi speeder, paying extra for him to step on it. My hearts speed up every second I get closer to home. By the time I reach home and am hopping out of the speeder, I nearly feel weak at the knees. I hurry to the building, rush up the stairs, then open the door. "Fel'ena?" I call out as I look around.

     I close the door behind me and step further into the room and am greeted by my sons and daughter tackling me in a hug.

     "Da-daddy!" My baby girl, Linnea, exclaims happily as she squeezes my leg tight.

     Once my sons pull away- after I had hugged them tight, I pick up my baby girl and kiss her forehead. "Hey baby girl, I missed you..." I look up when I smell the familiar scent of my wife and my hearts stop, my breath hitching. I set Linnea down before I hurry to my mate, who meets me halfway and wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

     "Xoreis..." She cries as she hugs me close and tight. "I missed you so, so much..." She then pulls her head back and kisses my lips deeply.

     I wrap my arms around her and hold her close, smiling as I kiss her back just as deeply, closing my eyes into the kiss.

    "Right at midnight..." I hear my oldest son, Xequ, murmured.

     "This is what I call the perfect way to start off 2018..." I hear Eli reply.

     I open my eyes when my mate pulls back and look into her eyes with a loving smile. "I love you, Cherry Blossom..."

     "I love you, too, Xoreis..." Fel'ena replies softly, then kisses my lips again before resting her forehead against mine with closed eyes. "I thought I may never see you again..."

     I close my eyes as he keep my forehead against hers, still holding her close. "I will always return, Fel'ena... and I don't plan to ever leave again; I'll be here with you, forever and always." I sense her smile and open my eyes, smiling as I kiss her tears away. "Happy New Year, Angel." I whisper to her.

     "Happy New Year, Xoreis.." Fel'ena whispers back with a soft smile, looking up into my eyes. "I love you..."

     I smile and place a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, too, Fel'ena; forever and always."


And I apologize if it wasn't by best work! I wanted to keep it at least a little short, plus I wanted to do first person POV for a change, that way you could at least kind of see what Xoreis sees, I guess... I don't know... if it is that bad I can always come back and improve it, even change the POV. Who knows, I may end up making this into a book! Because... oh, how I love these two! Anyways, Happy New Year everybody!

PS. Yes, I know it's already January 2nd of 2018... XD

~Sergeant Courage, out!

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