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I have another tag! I was tagged by GhostlyGamer! So here we go! I need to start doing more logs...oh well! XD

1: Any Scars?

We talking physical or emotional? Well I'll go with physical. I have....*counts them* like six? All but one are from cats. My current cat was running and went to jump onto the couch but my leg was in the way, so he jumped onto my ankle then onto the couch, digging his back claws into my ankle. So I have two scars there. Though they may still be just healing....I dunno. They're just marks.

Darth Vader: I get the feeling there's still more to this story....

There is! Another one is on my arm by my....elbow 'pit'? Whatever you call it. But there was this dog in our backyard and I didn't want the stupid thing (even though it was adorable and looked like a mini husky) around, especially since it tried to hurt my cat. This one was my female cat I had for three years and she was nicknamed the Devil's Cat. Anyway, I tried to carry her inside, and she saw the dog running towards us, and in her fright she ended up scratching me really deep. This one is more than just a mark, it's like a lump sorta....but it's very tiny.

Darth Vader: Are you finished with your scarring backstories?

Ha! Scarring! Literally! But no, I am not. Another is from the same Devil Cat (whose name was Meowmie, because she meowed a lot as a kitten). I was holding her and there were people around she didn't know so she was freaked out, then my brother Samuel comes up to us and starts barking at her. So she got scared and scratched me, leaving two scars. I shall not say where these two are.

And my first scar I ever got was when I was like anywhere from 5-7 I think. I was in the camper with my mom and Uncle Tim, and my cousin Andy went to get a can of pop for us. The door closed and he couldn't get back in and the wind was very strong. I tried telling Uncle Tim but he was too busy talking, so I tried again to open the door (it didn't budge before I tried to tell Uncle Tim) again. I finally got it open, but the wing then blew the door open and flung me into the parking lot on my face. I now have a scar right below my nose on the left side. And a couple days later at church my blonde friend stopped being my friend because I had a large scab there. Blondes....seriously...now I'm not dissing all blondes, because I have blonde friends and blonde sisters, but some are real brats! Okay, now I'm done with the 'scarring' backstories.

Darth Vader: Thank goodness....

2: Self harmed?

No. I mean I do daydream a lot, and sometimes my daydreams are nightmarish as if I'm not controlling my own thoughts, so when I was little I had thought about what the best ways to kill yourself was....but I have never done it. I don't even know why I ever thought about it because I'm not tempted by it. I'm too much of a coward. Although it takes a brave person to keep on living in this world and to not give up, if you think about it. So to all those who have almost killed themselves but stopped themselves, I applaud you! Don't give up on the life God has placed you in, because he has a better plan for you; plus suicide is self murder, and murder is wrong, even if it is your own life. To those who are tempted by it, stay strong, I beg you! Suicide doesn't get rid of pain; it just passes it on to someone else. And who knows; by killing yourself you may cause someone else to try to kill themselves. It's a pretty scary thought. Anyways....this has kinda turned into a speech....slash plead. Whoops!

Darth Vader: But I do agree....don't allow yourself to fall into darkness. The deep pit is hard to get out of once you've fallen in.

Admiral Ackbar: Just remember; it's a trap!

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