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So far, minus a few moments, today has been great!! I just had to share some of today's events because they were so awesome and hilarious!!!!!!!

Okay, so we were all at the dinner table. Me, Megan, her parents, my parents, the three veterans that live with Megan, her grandpa, and baby Rachel. Aunt Julie (Megan's mom) was holding Rachel and letting her sit at the table so she could see everybody. Jeff, one of the veterans, was trying to get her to smile. So he was all like, 'can I get you to smile? You did earlier.' And grandpa Charlie was like, 'I think she just got a good look at you.' XD and she was staring at him intently. All of us started laughing and Rachel immediately started crying hysterically. Poor baby! But it was SO hilarious! Don't even know why she cried!! Maybe all of out laughter combined was loud- idk, but we all died!! XDDD

Then later Megan, her older brother Morgan, my brothers Daniel and Samuel, my sister Chloe, and I were playing croquet. I was in last the whole game. Everyone else was poison! Megan got Morgan out, then I forget who got Chloe out, then Daniel got Megan out, then Daniel got Samuel out. I became poison before Samuel got out, then I got Daniel out! The Bible is right! The first shall by last and the last shall be first! Funny thing is that Morgan was first out and I won! XDDDD

And Rachel likes fireworks! Woohoo!!!!! She only got fussy once during one that made a big boom, so we covered her ears and she was just fine! She loved watching them!!!

Oh yeah, Megan also took our family pictures! It was awesome!!

Oh oh oh! And Sarah (seven year old sister) sat with her 'boyfriend' during the fireworks! She has a crush on Morgan. Then Aunt Julie was like, there's only a thirteen year difference! And Megan was like, Mom! Then Morgan walked up and was like, what? And my mom is like, nothing! And we all started to die of laughter! XDDDDD Hahaha! Moms: just gotta love em. XDD

Happy Independence Day all!

~Sergeant Courage, out.

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