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I could turn this whole chapter into one big rant about stupid drunk fathers who say one thing one minute then say something totally opposite the next

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I could turn this whole chapter into one big rant about stupid drunk fathers who say one thing one minute then say something totally opposite the next. About dads who say they'll love all their kids equally, but then have one of their own. Dads who would rather drink their beer than spend time with their children. About dads who want to spend alone time with the children's mother, then complain when said children just want to ask their mother a question. Dads who say they don't get enough time away from their kids even though they never do spend any time with them. Dads who get after you for doing something that he himself does all the time. Dads who get after you for snacking even if all they do all day is snack and don't even eat supper with their own family. Well, I guess I kinda just did. 

And now, I don't even care. I know I should be thankful that God gave me another dad. But how can I possibly care when he doesn't? I decide to try again, and then he rants, he yells, he gets mad, he pushes me away. He complains about things I don't do right, so I try to fix it. I get it right, then he gets after me for something else I'm doing wrong. I'm sick of it, and I'm done with it. If he wants to push me away, then so be it. I don't care. When he gets home, I'll just do what I always do; go to my room and only come out if he's not around. Because I. Don't. Care.

To you, the person married to my mom (even though you'll never see this), I'm so sorry for being a disappointment. I'm so sorry for not being the perfect Christian. I'm so sorry for wanting to talk to my mom. I'm so sorry I don't like every single meal out there. And now, I'm not sorry for ignoring you. I'm not sorry for not talking to you. I'm not sorry for hiding in my room to avoid listening to you cuss, rant, and rave. I'm not sorry for just being done with it all, even if it is wrong of me to not care. But before you start getting on me for everything I do wrong, you get your life together.

~Sergeant Courage, out.

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