
24 7 17

Talon: So, I'm calmed down now- somewhat. I'll give you all an update on my day excluding my rant earlier. It was the usual...

I woke up early, started coffee, and talked to my wife, Jenessa (CommanderDiamondShot), until she went to work (she's a Jedi, I'm an ex-bounty hunter). Shortly after that is when the kids slowly woke up. All fourteen of them excluding my two grandchildren. I'll give you a list of the from oldest to youngest just so you all will know who I'm talking about it I happen to mentioned them. Males will be in bold, females in italics. Their ages will be in parenthesis beside their names.

Qurii (52)
Zedros (52)
Dexqo (48)
Qorie (48)
Aadiri (23)
Xeqis (14)
Xakex (14)
Eixuu (10)
Qamur (9)
Klaru (9)
Vequro (3)
Kyro (3)
Tabo (3)
Aiishra (3)

Those are my children. Then you have my two grandchildren (Qurii's kids):

Qeke (newborn)
Meqo (newborn)

So, as you can see, I have my hands full. The older ones do help out quite a bit, though. Anyways, they all woke up, so Zedros helped me make breakfast for everyone. For those of you who aren't aware, Zabraks have a much larger appetite than that of a human's. They're an expensive bunch- which is why I was once a bounty hunter...

Anyways, after breakfast was ready was when Qurii finished nursing her twins, so I watched them for her (as I'd already eaten when I got up with Jenessa) while she ate. After she did and came back for Qeke and Meqo, I went to get the laundry done. Laundry days are often the busiest. So today was full of:

-Dealing with Vequro being fussy because he's being weaned and doesn't want to be
-Potty training Kyro
-Folding laundry
-Trying to get the quadruplets to take a nap
-Trying to tell Aadiri that she isn't aloud to go on a date
-Trying to have a private conversation with Qurii
-Trying to catch Xakex's sugar glider
-Finally getting the kids to watch a movie
-Searching for Vequro and Kyro, who snuck out of the apartment
-Getting home to a broken window
-Fire in the kitchen again (just the oven and not too serious)
-Xeqis and Xakex arguing and hitting each other
-And probably many other things I'm forgetting to mention... and all of this craziness is still going on. Thankfully, I did get a nap today.

To all of those out there who are mother: thank you. Men may take you for granted, may say that raising children isn't as hard as going to work everyday. And you know what? They're right. It's even harder. The job at home is never ending- you work from the time you wake up to the time you fall into your bed. So seriously, thank you.

But, honestly, I wouldn't change a single thing in my life. I love these crazy kids... I was just like them at their age. They're all mini me's. *chuckles* Speaking of which, things are now pretty quiet... I'd better go see what those rascals are up to.

~Red Talon, out.

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