Chapter 11

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Hearing Him say this, my brother and I seemed to smile a little bit. “Though it won’t be easy, I have faith that you two can do it. I am here by your side, to help. If you ever need me, I’ll be there; just remember.” After this, He left.

Aaron and I just stood there, amazed by His words.

How could He be so kind?

How could He love someone so much?

And… Why did he choose me, to be one of those people?

Trying to figure out all of this, I stood there in silence. But, before too long, my brother broke the silence. “Heather, we should go, now.”

“Yeah, but… Where? I mean, there’s no path.” I say.

Then, Aaron pointed out. “It seems He made another path for us… I’m not sure when but, it’s there now so, no sense complaining about it.”

I looked before me, and saw it. The path in front of us. It made me think of Him… He had helped us, yet again… Why?

Why does He always help?

Despite the pain we humans put Him through, He still loves us, helps us, cares for us…

How can He love so much?

But, I just started to walk forward. I couldn’t let this slow me down. Knowing that He loves me, motivated me to move on. I turned around seeing Aaron standing there. “Aaron? Is something wrong?”

He looked up, and looking like he was almost in tears. “Huh? Oh no, I-I’m fine.” Then, I finally saw my brother by my side, and heading forward.

I kept looking ahead of me, feeling so distant from the world. I kept wondering… Thinking about so many different things, crossing my mind. But, I pushed those thoughts aside, trying not to think too much about them.

“Hey, Heather...” I hear Aaron say.

“Yeah, what is it?”

“Have you ever felt like you were useless? Just someone to fill an empty space?”

I heard my brother say this, and was shocked. I mean, normally he never thinks about such things like this. He’s normally a positive, silly, fun, caring brother but, I didn’t ever know he would have these feelings. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, in these recent battles… Seeing you in pain, and suffering… I started to feel like I was weak, and that I couldn’t do anything... And now-“

“Aaron, you shouldn’t say something like that.” I say interrupting him, before letting him finish. “You should know that you’re not worthless. You stayed by my side, whenever I needed someone to. You’ve protected so many people, when it seemed impossible. And He’s given you that strength, remember?”

Aaron looked up to the sky, and grinned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right… I’ve just been worrying if I could really save anyone… Save myself, for that matter. The feeling of darkness just feels like it’s always by my side. But, He’s always protecting me, from that darkness…”

Seeing my older brother smile, I did the same. But, I couldn’t shake off the darkness inside of myself… Knowing everything I’ve done so far, I know I could never compare to those around me. Feeling this darkness, this loneliness, I couldn’t help but want to scream.

Before letting these thoughts take over my mind, I started walking forward, yet again. If I were to let this worry me, and hold me back, I couldn’t get anywhere. So, I just prayed to myself that everything would go well…

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