Chapter 8

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“Well, I’m pretty sure he’s what you’d people would call… The devil.”

I tried to take in the words, I just heard but, I couldn’t. My body started to shake again, and I couldn’t stand still anymore. But, I didn’t want to end just like that so, I ignored the shaking, and got a better grip on my sword.

I take a look around the room once more, to see if I could find him. So, using my sword I searched around the room, I was in. “You won’t find him like that, little girl.” The man said, grabbing my wrist, and stopping me.

“And, why’s that, sir?” I ask, just trying to figure out, exactly what he meant by that.

“He cannot be seen by the human eye. But, in this room, he lives, and breathes, all around us. When you were shaking, the fear took ahold of you. You were scared he would attack you, without you having a fighting chance.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“He can’t, and won’t physically hurt you. It is through your acts, and how you live. Plus, this room holds his presence. It’s likely, if you don’t leave soon, you’ll be consumed by his wrath, and hatred and you’ll be human, no longer.”

“But then, how can you be in here, and still not have him take over you?”

“That, I’m not quite sure. But, I highly doubt you’d be the same.”

“What makes you think I couldn’t make it? Have you seen it happen, before, or something?”

“Yes, I have, unfortunately. There have been others like you, who thought they could fight him, and wouldn’t listen to me, when I told them to run. They thought they were invincible, and could stand against any force, that came their way. But guess what? That didn’t happen. The devil consumed them, made their rage greater than they could imagine, and they didn’t make it.”

“They… Didn’t make it…? What do you mean by that?”

“They… Died, unfortunately… It’s hard to be saying this right now but, I’m saying all of this, so you can understand what will happen if you stay here, in this room.” He said, fear seeming to take over him.

But, I still questioned him. If the devil truly were here, couldn’t He have protected the other people? Wouldn’t His light, fight back, and consume the devil, instead of the other way around? It seemed impossible to think, He’d let them… Die, just like that…

But, what if they didn’t truly believe, in His light?

What if they stopped believing Him, and thought all of it wasn’t true?

And if so, could the same happen to me, as well?

It scared me to think of this ever happening. Forgetting His love, and care? It didn’t seem possible. I mean, someone as kind as Him, who showed his love, and gave you the light, to be able to see? It wasn’t some joke. No, He was the real deal. I’m pretty sure the thought of Him loving you, wouldn’t ever fade.

At least… That’s what I think…

“Wait, if I leave, what about you, sir?”

“I’d just stay down here. It’s not like there’s much reason for me to live, anymore… I mean, my memory is gone… Plus, even if I do stay here, I won’t die. So, it really doesn’t matter what I do; nothing is going to change. Nothing…” He said, lowering his head, and looking down at the ground, clenching his teeth, trying not to let the tears in his eyes, fall.

“That… That isn’t true…” I said. “Just because you won’t die or because you don’t have your memory… Doesn’t mean, there’s not point to live. You were put on this earth, just like me. You have the right to live and see the world, just like anyone else. It doesn’t matter, that life’s not going good now… What’s important is that you lift your head, to see the light of tomorrow.”

“Heh… Your words are strong, girl…” He said, tears falling from his eyes. “I’ve never looked at it, like you… I always thought I was just useless… Just another piece of rotten trash, left on the streets, just to be thrown away… But, you don’t see me like that… Why is that? Why does someone like you, care for someone like me?”

“Because if you’re here right now, living and breathing, then that’s enough reason for me to care. I’ve felt the pain, of loneliness… I’ve lost those who were close to me… I’ve been rejected, by my own family before… But, that’s all in the past now. I have friends, and family, who care for me, and love me. Others may look at me, and call me strange, or weird but, I can’t change who I am… I’m simply me.”

I placed my hand on his shoulder, and saw the pain on his face, disappear. “Thank you… Heather…” He said, standing up. “Your kindness helps.” He then started to walk towards the door, and looked at me. “What, are you just going to wait there, or come with me?”

I stood there for a minute, with a smile across my face. “Don’t worry, I’m coming.”

We both walked out of the room, and started heading back up the stairs. When we finally made it to the top, the light from outside, was blinding. We both covered our eyes, so it wasn’t as bright. “Guess all of that time in the darkness made me forget about the light.” The man said, with a small laugh in his sentence.

I smiled for a moment. But then, I saw Aaron still sitting there, and worried about me. I had forgotten about him, and didn’t realize just how much he was upset about how I wasn’t waking up. But then, I saw him turn his head, and stand up.

“W-who are you?” Aaron asked, walking up to the man next to me.

“Sounds familiar…” He said, whispering to himself. “I’m sorry, I can’t exactly remember, just who I am… Sorry about that, kid.”

“Oh no, that’s fine…” Aaron stood there, in silence for a minute. “Did you… Come from what was past those stairs?”

“Yeah… I came thanks to her, though.” He said, pointing at me.

“Huh? Who? Is someone there, that I can’t see?”

“W-what do you mean? You mean, you don’t see her?”

“I’m sorry but, I don’t.”

As I heard them continue to talk, I started to cry. I’m not sure why. I guess it was just because I couldn’t handle the fact that I couldn’t be seen, even by my own brother. To me, it hurt. I tried to hold it in but, the tears just wouldn’t stop. “Help me… Please…” I said, whispering to myself, as I fell on my knees.

But then, I saw a bright light. Its warmth, ever so familiar.

“You must not cry. I came here, to wipe the sorrow away. I’m here to help you, with the pain in your heart.” He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Then, I noticed my eyes becoming heavier and heavier. Before too long, I had collapsed. But, after a short moment, I opened my eyes, and noticed myself, lying on the ground. When I looked at my surroundings, I saw Aaron, talking to the man, near the staircase.

“He… Saved me, again… How can I possibly repay Him…?” I said, as I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. 

The Light in the DarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang