Chapter 7

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Then, I felt like I had finally woke up. I took a glance around me, to see if I was really awake, or still just dreaming. I noticed I was standing, and as I continued to look around the room, I had noticed, Aaron, holding me, while I was asleep in his arms.

My mind started to go everywhere. Why was I still in Aaron’s arms, if I was awake? It just made no sense. So, I walked over to him, and tried talking to him. “Aaron, what’s the matter? I’m right here so, you shouldn’t have to be so worried, okay?” I continued to stand by him and try to talk to him but, it didn’t seem like he could hear me.

But, as I looked over, a little, I saw the staircase that Aaron and I were talking about, earlier. My mind and body just wouldn’t cooperate with me, at the time. I really wanted to go and see just what was down the stairs but, my body just wouldn’t move.

“Why? I know what I want to do so, why? Why won’t I just move?” I then started to notice that my legs were shaking, really bad, and that, my sword, had fallen out of my hands. “I don’t understand, I… I shouldn’t be afraid of a staircase… Maybe it’s just that I’m tired? Yeah, that’s got to be it…”

So, I sat down for a minute, to see if that would help with the shaking, which had now spread throughout my body. “I think after a little rest, my body should be back to normal. Hopefully…”

After a couple minutes, I decided I should go to the stairs, whether or not my body liked it. So, I stood up, and grabbed my sword, that was on the ground. “Guess I should go see what’s down there, then.” I said, looking down the stairs trying to see just what might be there.

Before too long, I took a step down, and noticed just how pitch black it was, and tried to find a source of light, somewhere. I looked up, back past the stairs, and tried to look for something, which could help me see. When I noticed there was nothing, I just decided to place my hand on the wall, and continue down, without using a light.

“I’m sorry, Aaron… I promise I’ll be back in a little bit, so don’t worry too much, about me…” I whisper, as I continue to walk down the stairs. “At least… I hope so…”

I kept going down, for what seemed ages before, I saw a door. I walked up to it, and pushed it open. “Hello? I-is anyone in here?” I ask, trying to see what was in the room. But, I couldn’t see much… Only darkness stood before me.

Then, I noticed that my sword, started to glow, all of a sudden. So, I raised it up, a little, to try and see what was in the pitch black room. But, when I did that, all I saw, was an empty space, just past the door. Although, across the room, I had noticed another door. So, I walked through the empty room, and to the other door.

But, when I opened the door, I saw someone sitting there, in the middle of the other room. He looked to be around his thirties, or forties, just sitting there. When I walked up to him, it looked to be like he was sleeping, or something. “Um… Excuse me, mister…? May I ask what you’re doing here?” I ask, as I slowly walked up to him, afraid to ask him, anything.

“Huh? Who might you be? And how did you end up in this place?” He asked, raising his head, looking up at me.

“I-I’m Heather. My brother and I noticed a staircase leading down here but, something happened, so I came alone. But… Just who might you be, sir?”

“Well, you see, I can’t exactly remember… I’m not exactly sure when or how I lost my memories but, all I know is that, they’re not there, anymore.” He said, putting his finger on his forehead, and closing his eyes.

“That seems to be a problem… Say, do you know what’s in this area? I came down the staircase, and didn’t see anything or anyone, until I met you. But, I was curious as to what was down here. So, I wanted to know, just what might be here?” I asked looking all around the room, trying to find something, besides emptiness.

“No, there’s nothing down here. But, if I were you, I’d get out of here, as fast as possible.”

“W-why’s that?”

“It’s him… If you don’t get out of here fast enough, he’ll swallow you up, whole, without leaving a trace, of you ever being here…” He said, slowing looking around the room, almost like he could sense the person he was talking about.

I take a deep breath, “And… Just who’s this person you’re talking about?”

“Well, I’m pretty sure he’s what you’d people call… The devil.”

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