Chapter 9

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After I had been asleep for what seemed days, I finally opened my eyes, once more. However, I didn't see the man, anymore... I guessed he just left, since there wasn't any point on him staying here, anyways. But, as I opened my eyes, I noticed Aaron sitting by my side, almost crying.

I couldn't help but feel bad, for all of the pain and suffering he had to endure, being alone in solitude once more... "Aaron..." I said, with a weak voice. "It's alright... I'm still alive..."

Then, his eyes widened, and looked down, to where I was. "Heather? A-am I dreaming, or is that really you?" Without letting me reply, he bent down, and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug. "I seriously thought you might be dead... Thank goodness, it's not true...” He said, with a wide smile. 

"Silly, no way would that happen. I couldn’t just die without a meaning." 

After a little bit, Aaron had un-wrapped his arms around me, and sat back up, wiping a few tears away. Seeing the joy in my brother's face, I couldn't help but feel a little bit happy myself.

But, before we could rejoice for long, another monster had appeared before us.  It stood at least twenty feet tall, and was completely covered in a dark aura. Its eyes were red, and it felt as if just by looking at me, it pierced my soul. The room darkened around us but, I didn't seem to notice.

"Aaron, what do you think we should do about this?" I asked looking over to my brother, seeing him just as pummeled as I was. 

"What if we do what we did last time? Would that work?"

"It might..." I say. "I guess it's worth a try."


As I ran towards the monster, Aaron stood there waiting for me to strike. I jumped up, and swung my sword towards it but, before I could hit the monster, it took its arm, and swung it at me, slamming me down to the ground. I let out a scream of pain, and tried to breathe once more. 

Aaron rushed over to my side, and fell down, looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asked, trembling. 

"I'm... I'm fine..." I say, having a hard time trying to speak. "I've experienced more than this, before... This is nothing..." I said, grabbing my sword and standing up, once more. "But, for now... We need to find a way to defeat that thing, there... If it knows how to react, and defend itself, we have a problem..."

"Him..." Aaron said.

"Huh?" I ask, as I look over to my brother.

"Didn't He say he'd be there for us? I don't think he'd just leave us to die, here. Knowing that, we don't have to fear anymore, right?"

Then, a light showered behind us, lighting up everything around. After the light made everything visible, He walked to Aaron and I. "It seems you've realized... I'm very glad you did not forget me, Aaron. Heather, will you put your trust in me, as well? If you do, I promise I will protect you.

His words made me feel so warm, and happy. It would never change. To be able to hear His soothing voice, always seemed to bring joy to me. So, how could I not trust Him? It just didn't seem possible.

"I-I do..." I said, looking up at Him.

"Thank you." He said, raising his hand, causing a bright light to emit from it. The monster that had appeared seemed to fade into the light around it, and disappearing from sight. "Hold on to the light, inside. There will be a darkness that seems almost unbearable; however, that light can break through that darkness." He said, looking into me and my brother's eyes. "You just have to believe..."

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