Chapter 3

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Soon, I found myself unable to think clearly anymore. I didn’t know how to take all of this in. But, isn’t that natural? How many of us could say that they were so close to the Lord? I know I certainly couldn’t, at least not until that fateful day. I could never forget it… The feeling of his warmth… It was never erased from my mind. No matter how many years pass.

Eventually, I heard Him again.

You will know all of the answers to your questions. You will have to be patient. Do that and you can know.”  

How could I not be patient? If He could give me the answer to my questions, then I’ll wait as long as it took. I couldn’t just stand there though. If I really wanted to fight for those who I cared about, I’d need to take action now.

Then all of a sudden, the area I had been in vanished. I was in an empty space. It was all black. And then, the creature I had saw earlier, appeared before me. I felt its darkness. I knew it wasn’t just going to come up to me and want me to pet it… No. This thing in front of me, wanted to tear me apart and kill me.

But, I couldn’t let that happen. So, I held my sword higher. I knew I couldn’t do much, but anything would do. Then, it came towards me so fast that I didn’t have time to dodge. But before it could hit me, a shield had formed all around me. The monster ran into it, and backed away. It looked like the shield had damaged it. I looked closer and saw what looked to be a burn mark.

But, that didn’t slow it down. Once more, it charged at me. But this time, I had a chance. So, I raised my sword up, and slashed down. A ray of light came out of the sword. The creature had just continued running forward. And, eventually it ran into the light. Once it came in contact with it, it faded away.

I couldn’t help but feel relived. When I knew it was gone, I noticed I was shaking, my palms were trembling, and I let out a sigh of relief. I don’t think I’ve ever been so afraid in my life. But then, when I remembered how that shield came out of nowhere, I remembered what He said…

How that if I were ever in danger, to follow the light and I’d be safe.

As I remembered it, I let out a faint whisper. “You… Protected me… Didn’t you?” I didn’t hear Him respond but, that didn’t matter. I could tell that He had. That He had saved me.  And I felt a slight smile appear upon my face.

Then, the darkness that filled the room, slowly started to disappear. And once more, the light had surrounded me. I heard Him…

The battles ahead will be much harder. Will you continue onward? Or return?”

“I’ll…” It took me a minute to decide, but I knew what the right path had to be. “Go forward. And, I won’t stop, until I finish this journey.”

I see… Very well then… Soon, you will find a path, and will have to choose. Be sure to go with the one you feel is the correct one.” His voice had a bit of sorrow in it, this time… I could tell He was worried…

Was He worried about me?

Or, was it something else?

Was there someone else, like me?

Who had been chosen to fight?

“I won’t let you down. I just know it.”

Where did this confidence come from, and what made me so sure?

Just how many times have I done something like that?

And, just why was I telling Him this?

He knew what would happen.

Because He was all knowing.

But, was He really?

Or was I just basing Him off of all that I’d heard?

Whatever the case, I knew my path wasn’t going to be a safe one. But, I could finally become strong enough to protect everyone that I cared for. I just had to. Especially with Him by my side. I just wasn’t going to take no for an answer. But, that stubbornness couldn’t go on… Not forever…

“I will see the light of tomorrow. You have nothing to fear.” 

The Light in the DarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz