Betrayed - Megatron x Human!Reader

Start from the beginning

When you had realised that was what was happening, you had felt guilty at first. It was only months after having been taken and you were still loyal to the Autobots - especially Wheeljack.
So you had made a deal with the Mighty Lord Megatron: 

"I keep working for you, and you swear to spare my partner's life for as long as I do."

To your surprise and relief he had agreed, and from that day forward, you only grew closer until -

"I trust you have enjoyed your 'lie in' this morning, my dear." Came his voice from across the room as the door slid shut behind him. You sat up to look at Megatron as he strode towards you and sat on the side of his berth.

"Well it was lovely until I woke up and realised you weren't here." You replied, folding your arms over your chest. He sighed and looked down at you.

"I'm afraid I cannot be in two places at once. My Decepticons need orders, and I do not trust anyone but myself to give them." 

You smiled. He was only ever this gentle to you. His gaze softened as he gave a smile of his own.

"But no matter when or where I am needed, a part of me will always be with you." he said as he lifted his hand to touch the crystal hanging from your neck, "This crystal is of the very same substance that flows through me. That is why I gave it to you. You know that."
You wrapped your arms around his finger and rested your chin on his knuckle, smiling up at him.

"I know." You said simply, before continuing with, "but energon doesn't have your gorgeous optics." This earned you a faint chuckle as he scooped you up to hold you in front of his face.

"You never cease to amuse me, [Y/N]" He said softly before resting you against his faceplate. You sat like that for a minute and just enjoyed each other's presence, then you pressed a little kiss just between his optics and leaned away, signaling for him to put you down. He placed you back on the shelf beside his berth before standing and straightening up.

"I am afraid I shall be very busy today my dear, so I will be unable to spend time with you until this evening." There it was. His serious face. Just the one you didn't want to see.

"Oh come on. Isn't there something I could help with?" You pleaded, on the verge of making puppy-dog eyes at him. He paused for a while, optics deep in thought.

"I supose you could accompany me on a routine visit to one of our mines..."
You grinned widely - field trip!

"I'll get changed into something more... suitable for the outdoors." You said, looking down at your [f/c] pajamas.

"But at the first sign of Autobot activity, you are to be bridged back immediately." He commanded.

"Aye-aye captain!" You replied alongside a mock salute for comedy's sake, which earned you a head-shake and a sigh.


Good enough.


You sat upon his massive shoulder, only vaguely paying attention to the talk about the mine, instead turning your attention to the huge, beautiful crystals adorning the walls and floor of your current tunel.

Although you weren't paying much attention, you noticed when the conversation seemed to end, and slid over closer to Megatron's head.

"Everything okay Megsy?" You asked quietly, feeling him tense beneath you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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