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"Brian!" Shouted Eugene, jumping on me. Well, that's one way to wake up, I suppose. It was early in the morning, too early for Eugene to be having this much energy.

Well it was never to early for Eugey whose blood seemed to be an endless supply of energy drinks that coursed through his veins.

"Eugene, get off me." I grumbled, covering my head with the covers. Eugene ignored me, bouncing on me faster. "Jeremy, help me!" I shouted to the dom who was leaning against the door, amused I might add. Jeremy was less than useful when it came to Eugene's energy.

To add to it, the guy hated me and like the sadist he was, he often let Euegene terrorize poor old me with his seemingly limitless energy supply. My suffering brought joy on Jeremy's face, I will tell you that much.

"Why?" He asked, with a crooked smirk on his face. He was enjoying way too much for my liking. "Because I will kill your mate." I said with a sly smirk that twitched in annoyance. Eugene fake gasped in mock offense.

"You wouldn't." I grinned, there was one way of getting Jeremy to get his goddamned mate off of me and me being me, I was going to use it obviously. "Of course, who would want to kill a cutie like you?" I asked, planting an innocent kiss on his cheek.

I flirted with Eugene to anger Jeremy. It's really gross that he really thinks I'm serious when I did that.

Jeremy came over and dragged Eugene off of me and went out of my room. Poor Eugene, I hope he can still walk afterwards. I sighed in relief, grudgingly getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom.

After I was done doing my business, I wore yesterday's clothes as I found it too bothersome to look for clean clothes. My closet was too big with too many clothes, it made looking for clothes seem like an unwanted extra chore.

I then went to wake Greg up. "Gregory!" I shouted, jumping on him much like how Eugene woke me up. Don't blame me, it's kinda contagious. Eugene's tactics were like a deadly virus, highly infectious and easily caught.

"Brian, get off of me." Greg grumbled sleepily, his eyes closed still.

"Nope, I'm looking for clean clothes. Think you can borrow me?" I questioned in an innocent tone. He nodded pushing me off of him.

I landed on the ground with a hard thud, excruciating pain shooting from my butt and spreading through my legs. I sat on the ground, questioning my life choices as most of us often do. I eventually got up after the pain subsided and skipped over to Greg's closet. I pulled out a black and yellow band tshirt, blue washed out jeans and his favorite pair of Vans.

"Hey, Greggy. How do I look?" I asked, doing a little twirl. "Are those my favorite pair of Vans?" He asked, fully awake and ready to tear me to pieces. He was attached to this pair of Van's as I was attached to my bed.

"And you say I'm way to attached to my bed." I said, twirling and showing off his Van's. What I had was a death wish, Greg would kill me when he caught me.

You know a friendship is real when both of you have attachment issues. Those were practically friendship goals in my book.

"Bye!" I said before I took off running downstairs with Greg chasing me. Sometimes Greg and I acted our ages, we acted like teenagers instead of just the Beta and Gamma of the pack.

I found Aaron sitting alone in the lounge watching tv. Luther and Eric went at it a lot and by a lot, I meant a lot lot. I knew this because they smelled like each other more often than not. Thank God for the sound proof walls.

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