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I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard a knock coming from the downstairs door. I ran down the stairs almost falling because, of the pace I was going. When I got there and opened the door, F/N was standing there, "Are you going to let me in, or just stand there?" I realized what I was doing and let her in.

"What're you doing here at 9 in the morning?" I asked.

"Well you didn't tell me where the place we're going to and at what time, so I figured to just come to your house, and I brought my car," She replied. I gasped because, Jungkook didn't tell me when and where we are going for lunch. That idiot!

"What's wrong?.... Don't tell me that you didn't ask him." I nervously giggled knowing that she might kill me. She looked at me, and sighed, "Oh, Y/N. Well what're you waiting for go, and ask him." I nodded at what she said. I got up to get my phone.

(Phone Conversation)
Jk- Hello?

Y/N- Yeah hi, Jungkook.

Jk- Oh, Y/N. What are you calling me for?

Y/N- Really, you didn't even ask if I was fine. Rude.. just rude.

Jk- Yeah yeah. Anyways what are you calling me for?

Y/N- I was just going to ask about where we are going for lunch, and at what time.

Jk- You know the restaurant that's close to the cafe where you and your friend are more than just regulars is?

Y/N- Uhh.. yeah, but what time?

Jk- 1:00.

Y/N- PM right?

Jk- No, AM. Ofcourse PM, why would you eat lunch at 1 in the morning?

Y/N- He he, you're right, sorry. See you then.

Jk- Mmm.

(Phone Conversation Ended)

"So what'd he say?" F/N asked. "You know that restaurant near Luv A Latte of Coffae, right?" She nodded. "Yeah, that place at 1 PM." "1 PM!" She slightly yelled, which made me wince and cover my ears a bit. "We need to hurry!" "Why?" I asked. "Because we need to look good, because I heard there's some cuties that work there, and it takes nearly ten minutes to get from your house to the restaurant." She explained. "But it's only nine something in the morning." I said.
"Do you not here yourself, Y/N?" She questioned me.

She took me upstairs to get both of us ready, since she said what she was wearing was not appropriate for the place we are going. It was fine, because she had clothes of hers at my house, since she comes over to stay the night a lot.

(You Choose Who Wears What)

(You Choose Who Wears What)

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(Don't Mind The Purse If You Want)

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(Don't Mind The Purse If You Want)


After we left my house, F/N insisted to take her car to the place. When we got there she asked me if she looked fine and I told her she looked great. She locked her car with her keys when we were walking to the entrance of the restaurant. We were greeted by a cutie, and when we told him our names he said that Jungkook and his girlfriend are waiting for us, so he led us the way to the table.

Jungkook said hi to us, and I looked at his girl, and said, "Hello, my name's Y/N, and this is my friend F/N." F/N waved a little at her. The girl was cute and all, but she looked like she was ready to stab me, because of the look in her eyes.

"My name's Emily." She said in a monotone voice. The waiter came, and when I saw him it felt like time stopped, and music turned on.

(The waiter)

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(The waiter)

"Hello, my name's Ace, and I'm going to be your waiter for the day." He smiled. I was probably looking, or secretly drooling over him too hard, because he looked at me, and smiled. I might've just died there, because the heart attack he just gave me. "Your so beautiful." He chuckled at me, making me confused. "You think I'm beautiful? Thanks." He said, making me realize that I said that aloud, covering my mouth I felt my checks heat up. "I'm sorry that just came out of my.. I wasn't thinking, sorry." I looked down at the table. "It's okay, I think you are beautiful, too." I looked up at him to see him smile making me smile.

"Are you going to take our orders or not?" I heard Jungkook scoff.

"Oh..uh yes," Ace gave all of us the menus. "I'll come back in a few minutes for your orders, I forgot to bring my notepad." He left. "Unprofessional." Jungkook said, no wonder why him and Emily are dating, their attitudes are so similar.

"What are you going to get, Y/N?" F/N asked, looking over at me.

"I'm getting the (choose whatever you want, idk much about lunch menus (sorry))" I answered her.

"Good choice, it looks yummy!" I nodded at her words.

Ace came back making me happier that he was here. "Ready to take your orders. What'll you have, sir?" As Jungkook was ordering he was writing it on his notepad, but looking me at times. "And what will you have, my lady?" Making me giggle a bit I answered saying, "I will be having _______, my sir." I smiled looking him in his twinkling eyes.

We were interrupted by Jungkook, "Can you please leave to tell the chefs what we ordered."

"Yes, sir." Ace left.

He came back with our food, but also a question, "My lady, you haven't told me your name yet. Should I just call you my lady and beautiful?" "My name's Y/N, but I wouldn't mind if you called me those names either." He chuckled, and said he'd come back with something for me... his number. He smiled, and mouthed 'Call me' before he left. We ate in peace, and talked, well mostly me and F/N. We bid each other goodbye's, but when I said goodbye to Emily her face was cold. Pretty sure she hates me.

When we got to my house, she decided to stay.

For |6| I'm actually planning on to write what they were talking about, but I might change it, depends on my ideas (and time). Hope you enjoyed, took me like 2 or more hours to write it, coming up with some ideas along the way. Sorry if it wasn't good. Happy (late) new years!!! Bye!

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