"Wow" Keefe muttered under his breath as he looked at the garden.

"I know, it's my favorite place to go whenever I need to think."

"You know what we should do?"


"Climb that tree"


"Absolutely, that tree right there," he gestured to the closest tree to our left. "It looks like a really good climbing tree. She gave him a doubtful look. "Come on Foster, trust me."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him as they made their way toward the tree. Keefe grabbed one of the lower branches and pulled himself up onto it. Sophie followed, but wasn't as graceful as she heaved her body onto the branch. They climbed a little farther until they found a good place to sit. 

"What's your favorite color?"

"What?" She asked, surprised by his question.

"Well, as your new best friend, I thought we should learn more about each other. What's your favorite color?"

She studied his face and saw his sincerity. "Blue, teal-ish blue. you?"

"Probably orange"

"Orange, why orange?" He looked over at her and smirked.

"I'll have to show you sometime."

"Okay, my turn. What's your favorite animal?"

"Hmm, probably the Lion. You know, because they have such great hair. You?"


"What do you plan to do with your life?"

"Well that's a quick change from favorites."

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm bad at my own game"

"Well, you know, I want to become a lawyer" Sophie started swinging her legs back and forth, careful not to fall off the branch. He gave her a doubtful look.

"No, I mean , beyond that. Where do you want to live, what do you like to do, who do you want to be with, you know. That kind of stuff."

"Um, I have always wanted to live in California, warm weather, beaches, museums, art, culture, history. I want to be a lawyer and save the world in m y own way," She looked up from her hands that she had been fidgeting with. "You."

"I want to become a child psychologist but other than that I don't really know."

They sat in silence for a while  and eventually they both got pretty hungry. They climbed down and headed towards the school dinning hall. Sophie picked up  a hamburger with fries while Keefe grabbed a salad.

"Someone's healthy" Sophie smiled as she bit into her burger, she couldn't imagine giving up eating these.

"I have to keep in shape, you know, for the ladies," he winked at her and kept eating. Sophie rolled her eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~

As the days passed by and grew colder they hung out with each other pretty much everyday. Sophie was surprised by how much she liked  hanging out with Keefe. Sure, they had met just a few days ago, but being friends with Keefe was different than being friends with Biana. Hanging out with Biana was fun, just different. With Biana they would usually go off to random parties, go shopping, or go to Starbucks. With Keefe they did a lot more hanging out together than doing stuff together. But that was mostly because most things on campus were closed for the break. 

Almost a full week and a half into break the rain storms that had hit their are still hadn't let up. Sophie didn't mind, it gave her time to work on projects and finish up books that she needed to read, but Keefe was getting restless. He was currently laying upside down on her bed while she read her book in her desk chair. Every few minutes he would make an annoyed sound and move positions on the bed. Finally Sophie gave in.

"Is something wrong Keefe?"

"I'm bored," he had shifted again so he could face her.

"Well I can't control the weather," She went back to her book.

"Let's do something."

"When you think of something tell me."

"Let's go to the library."

"Seriously, you, Keefe Sencen want to go to the library"

"I like watching you pick out books." 

She blushed at his comment. "Okay, give me five minutes to grab some stuff. Can you look up the library's hours."

Keefe fished his phone out of his pocket , smiling at the thought of leaving the small dorm. As the screen lit he sat up quickly, reading the messages he had received. He pushed his hand through his hair and all traces of his smile had been wiped away.

"What's wrong?" Sophie asked, generally concerned. She hadn't seen Keefe this upset before. Granted she only knew him for about two weeks but...

"It's nothing," Keefe muttered as he shut his eyes. His expression looked like he was trying not to punch the wall and cry at the same time. Sophie stood next to him and put her hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at her. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but know I'm here if you do," he looked at her intensely. As if he was deciding whether or not to trust her.

After a moment of silence Keefe looked down at his shoes and mumbled, "My dad found out about the party, like he was meant to, but he's angry and told me that I was useless. I told him off but he wants me to clean up the mess or else he'll press charges. I can't go over there, not while he's there but I don't want to get my friends in trouble."

Sophie reached down and squeezed his hand. They had talked about his dad before, but not very much. She already hated the guy but didn't know how to help.

"What if I come with you. Then you won't be there alone and he will have to act nice in front of company. Plus it will take forever to clean that place up, even with the two of us."

"Really Foster? You'd do that?"

"Of course Keefe, your my best friend, at the moment that is. You're in the top 2."

Keefe smiled and Sophie grew extremely aware of how close they were to each other. She could fell his breath. Eventually she pulled away and they got ready to head over to the Sencen palace. Her heart was racing faster than an alicorn...

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