18-Thoughts and party.

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After so many days,I've spent nights at parties but it seems Max is no where to be found,I tried searching for James, Austin and John but it seems like they disappeared with him,I then remembered Amelia,I went all means in searching for her number,luckily,I eventually got her number through one of my colleagues.

I called to get information about the boys but she said she was on Vacation with her family and she hasn't seen him for days,we both tried calling his number but it was switched off.I tried not to worry about him,unfortunately I did,I felt incomplete.

Phoebe has been noticing me this days,I had to explain to her and she totally freaked out when I told her I was kinda into Max,she didn't support me though,because she thinks it will lead to much more hatred between Max and my brother.

Actually Dan never has time this days, his always busy partying with his friends, having fights with his rivals.Dan even kept on nagging me of how I spent that day with Max.When he knew that Max hasn't been in town with his members,he was happy knowing so well that one of his competitor had disappeared.

Its morning and I'm in my room looking through the window to the busy road that was opposite our house,It's a week now that I stopped treating my shoulder because it's now normal again,thank goodness mom and dad have not recently have time to question me,i love the fact that I'm now alright and also I've loss weight and  I'm glad I'm the former me.The morning air makes me want a companion.Someone like Max.But his nowhere to be found.I hugged myself wishing I could have Max now.He was my source of joy the thought of him each day made me love him more.

The thought of wanting him made me remember what Max told me the last day I saw him"I'll need you to learn how to seduce........"yes that's it,I wanna prove to Max I am not that small girl he thinks I am,I hurriedly picked up my phone from my bed and dialed Phoebe's number.

We spoke for about 2mins then she decided she will come to my side after she's through shopping with her Mom.

"I wanna learn how to seduce."I said in a shy way.

"Hey girl,don't tell me you are enamored with him?"I knew she was talking about Max.

"No,let's say his head over heels in love with me."yeah for sure he is.

"By the way,where is your so called lover?"he raised an eyebrow.

"I have no idea."I said sadly.

"Okay then I guess I have the perfect person that can teach you on how to seduce."Phoebe said while scrolling through her phone.

I picked up my own as well expecting something,I mean like Max message.I wanted to do something about knowing where Max is but I dastardize my courage.

After two days of training and learning how to seduce by a girl I met through the internet,I still didn't feel satisfied with the styles of seducing,I mean those ones are minor ways of seducing,the guy can easily reject my offer.Its not impressing enough, nevertheless I got tired of the training so I quit.

It's now 31st of December,and there is a teens party going on tonight,the party is so popular that almost all teenagers in our every private school will be there,there is no how bad boys won't be there,I mean the invitation also reached my brother's school,I'm also sure it reached Sam's school too, I hope I can find a guy to flirt with so I could learn on him how to seduce but nothing more attached.

"MOM!Have you found my Mascara?"I asked my mom as if she kept it for me or something.

"No honey,I haven't been in your room for about a week now,keep on searching for it,it can't be more than your room."she said while washing the dishes.

"Ough!Like seriously,why is it today I had to misplace my Mascara?"I grabbed my black dress for the night party, unzipped it and wore it,zipping it back while I watched myself through the mirror.

I looked very simple,A black dress,black shoe,no jewelry,no makeup not even mascara,just a little bit foundation and pink lipstick,besides it's not like as if I want to go willingly,I was forced by Phoebe and Dan,I've been suspecting them lately,I mean they are getting too close like they are into amorous love,no,no, no!what am I thinking about?

I checked the time it was 6:23pm and the party starts 6:00pm.I hurriedly went to Dan's room entrance which was the room opposite mine and I met the door open,Daniel was already ready,he looked awesome,he wore a blue suit that made him look official."Is he having a date tonight?"I asked myself still staring at the gorgeous brother of mine.

"Hey.....how do I look?"Daniel gave me a warm smile hoping for a nice comment.

"You look gorgeous."I smiled at him.It seems he then notice my appearance,he looked me from head to toe.

"And you look ahh!"he said with disgust."like an old woman."

"I know right?I just feel like I should'nt hope for much."I said giving him a fake smile.

He glanced at me,and shook his head in disapproval."Go get your purse,this time don't let it be black please and let's go."

"Ohh yeah I totally forgot."I said while raising my hand up, going back to my room,After getting my red purse I hurriedly went downstairs,pecked my Mom.My Dad was'nt around,I guess he went to buy something.After the peck I gave my Mom I grabbed myself some sweets that was on the table and went straight to the car, Daniel was the one to drive us today,we also had to pick phoebe before going to the party.

Hey.....today's chapter was boring right?I know,I just had to roundup everything,but I hope it isn't that bad though?I love you all and Happy New Year in advance,I'm gonna have great time tonight with my friends......

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