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Beep Beep Beep....."Owww no, why do this alarm always have to wake me at the wrong moment".

Daniella stood up walking towards the bathroom with her eyes still closed hoping she can still enjoy the precious moment of sleep.she opened the closet that was on her wall and took her toothbrush and toothpaste out,she rinsed her brush and put the paste.

While she was brushing she looked at the mirror."what!"She exclaimed.She touched her cheeks...."why now,why do I have to start getting chubby?"she grumbled.

When she was through brushing.she bath and came our with a towel.she opened her wardrobe and took out her ironed uniform,which she ironed on Saturday.

After dressing,she checked her self one more time in the mirror,"perfect."she said out loud.she was about grabbing her backpack which was beside her bed....."Ella,come downstairs for your breakfast,time is fast approaching."Daniella mom shouted.

Daniella hurriedly grabbed her backpack and went downstairs,"wow breakfast smells nice."Daniella whispered to herself.

"Darling come eat."Mrs Smith insisted while serving Ella."Sorry Mom but when will u start treating me like Daniel?I'm in my final year now so please stop treating me like a baby"Daniella frowned.

"Owww Ella don't forget your my only daughter so I have no other person to pamper."Mrs Smith said with a smile on her face.

Ella stood up from the stool she was sitting on before in the kitchen"well I don't need that caring mother of mine,Anyway bye I'll see u in the afternoon I'm going to school."she slambed the door behind her.

"Bye darling."Mrs Smith replied.

Hi Friends,You all may be wondering where Daniel is.....no worries u will soon know.Besides don't think Daniella is rude to her mom thou but the truth is that she wants to have the same freedom like her bro since she is in her final year.

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