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School was over and as Danny walks to locker he was signing autographs for everyone who asked him as he walks past them."He's so cuteeee!" A girl squealed and Danny just smiled at that."Man it's going to take some time getting use to all the attention." Danny said to Sam who wa waiting at his locker."Yes it is." She said."Well I don't have much homework just maths." Danny said bored out of life."Lucky I have chemistry." Sam said."Wanna switch?" Danny asked."Sure but not here so we don't get caught." Sam said as they walked back home. Then Danny's Ghost Sense went off."Go get them Ghost Boy." Sam said as Danny kissed her while he transformed.

"I'll catch up with you." Danny said as he flied into the air and started searching the town."BEWARE FOR I AM THE BOX GHOST!!" Danny turned around and saw Box Ghost behind him."Oh come on." Danny groans."I let my girlfriend walk home alone because of you?" Phantom said. Box Ghost blinked."Aahhhhh Ghost Boy you won't defeat me this time." He said as he created the same blue box that Future Box Ghost made and shoot it at Danny."Hey, that power...Oh no." Danny said as he quickly sucked up the Box Ghost."I need to go see Clockwork." Danny said as he flew down where Sam was."Hey why did you look so frightened by the Box Ghost?" Sam asked."That blue box he used..." Danny started."Yes."

"I saw it in the Dan Future." Danny said and Sam's eyes went wide."Ok so maybe Box Ghost has gotten a little bit more powerful but that doesn't mean you will turn into Dan." Sam said."Hold on." Danny said as he brought the thermos on his arm closer."Hey Box Ghost are you by chance dating Lunch Lady?" Danny asked."Oh that beautiful ghost makes my core melt. No but I would like it." Box Ghost said."Eeewwww, can't you go druel somewhere else?!" Skulker yelled."Eeewww." Danny and Sam said."So maybe you should go talk to Clockwork just in case." Sam said."Yeah I intend to do that." Danny said as he picked Sam up bridal style and flies to her house."I'll call you later." Danny said and Sam nodded sending him a kiss and Danny pretended to get shot down in his heart and fell but flew back up."Bye." Sam said."Bye." Danny said as he flew to his parents lab.

He finally arrived and he was met with Dani, Jazz, Jack and Maddie in the lab."Guys, I quickly need to talk to someone. I don't how long I'll be gone since the Ghost Zone's time is either faster or slower then the tome here. Also these thermoses works like a bomb." Danny said."That's great sweetie. Who are you going to?" Madd asked."Uh, Clockwork." Danusaid and Jazz's and Dani's eyes were on him."Why something wrong?" Jazz asked."Well I saw something from the whole Dan future thing so now I have to talk to him, bye!" Danny said as he zipped through the Ghost Zone.

"Jazzy who is Clockwork?" Jack asked."Uh ha. Uh his the Master Of Time." Jazz said."What?! Is there a ghost for anything?!" Maddie yelled."Mom, don't worry. If it wasn't for Clockwork then Danny would've become evil you know that Dan guy." Jazz said and they calmed down."Can you please explain all the Dan stuff to us?" Maddie asked.

"CLOCKWORK!!" Danny shouted as he flew into his tower."Hello Daniel and before he ask no, you are not turning evil." Clockwork said."Then why has the Box Ghost have the powers he had when I was in that Dan Future?!" Danny shouted."Just because someone else is starting to develop in their powers doesn't mean someone else will turn evil. The Box Ghost will always be a annoyance for everyone." Clockwork said and he calmed down."There is something else." Clockwork added and Danny looked at him with worry."Do you remember when you defeated Pariah Dark?" He asked and Danny only calmed down a little bit."Did he escape again?! I have defend Amity!" Danny went historical."No, but there is new heir to the Throne of The Ghost Zone." Clockwork said."Ok where are you going with this?"

Maddie was worried for Danny's sanity with that future he saw and now that she knows what happened, she won't let Danny lose his friends and family."Danny can't lose us even if Vlad is half of the cause of that future." Maddie said."Right. We cnt let Danny-boy lose us and turn onto that monster." Jack said."Okay but don't tell him that I told you what happened because he hates that it happened. He even had nightmares about him for an easy 4 months!" Jazz said."It's okay we won't tell him."

"What?!" Danny screamed after he heard the news."That means you are getting this aswell." Clockwork said as he gave Danny a small box."Open it at your house with your family."Clockwork said as Danny looks at him with fear."Are you sure about this?" Danny asked."Yes and surprisingly The Observerants agree with this as long as you don't use it for yourself like he did." Clockwork said."Also you should go you've been gone three hours." Clockwork said. Danny ran out,"Thank you!!" He screamed as he left the Tower with the box in his hand and flew full speed to the lab.

Danny was flying to fast and when he flew right through the portal he carshed into the farest wall of the lab."DANNY!! Are you okay? We're you attacked?!" Maddie rambled on."Hey I'm fine and no I'm not attacked." Danny said as he literally peeled of the wall and fall on Jazz."Sorry Jazz." Danny said."No sweat. Your extremely light, have you ever eaten something?" Jazz asked as Danny helps her stand up as he transformed back."Where's Dani?" He asked."Asleep." Jack said.

"Bring her down here I have some big news." Danny said and Jazz went upstairs to go get her as Danny picked up his phone and called Sam and Tucker.

S:Hey Danny something wrong?
T:He doesn't need a reason to call us, Sam.
D:Actually Tucke there is a reason. Can you come to my house in 10 minutes?
T:No prob, see you later.
D:See ya.

"Okay everyone upstairs." Danny said as he marched himself up the stairs with Jack and Maddie following. Jazz and a sleepy Dani was already in the living room waiting. The doorbell rang and there stood Sam and Tucker."Hey guys come in." Danny said really fast as they all were pulled inside the house."What's in the box?" Dani asked."I don't exactly know yet but Clockwork, the ghost I went to see, gave me some interesting news." Danny began."And he said I should open it with my friends and family so, now I'm going to open it and after that I'll explain everything." Danny said as he placed the black and red wooden box on the coffee table."Okay let's open it." Maddie said as they all stood around the table. Danny took a deep breath and out. He placed his hand on the lid of the box and pushed the lid open.

There was a green and white glow emitting from the box. Everyone shielded their eyes until the glow from the object now floating in front of them. The glow faded and there it floated and Danny's eyes went wide."Whoa." Sam and Tucker said knowing what the object is. The object floated to Danny and Danny fell back. Maddie and Jack tried shooting it down but it only reflected the blast making it bounce around the house until it hit Danny."Owwwww!! Hey!! No ecto guns!" He shouted and Jack and Maddie threw one side really fast breaking something in the process. The object floated closer to Danny and he shieled his face with his arms until the object slipped itself on Danny's finger.

"Ring of Rage?!" Sam and Tucker yelled."Why do have that?!" Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Dani yelled."Let me explain!!" Danny shouted."You all know ai defeated Pariah Dark, right?" Danny began."Yes go on." Jazz said.

"Well I'm now Prince of The ENTIRE GHOST ZONE!"

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