Chapter 33: Celebi

Start from the beginning

"So...what does Zera have to do with her? She keeps mentioning the name." Ash crossed his arms in wonder as well.

"Well...I also remember that Mavis was extremely good at creating illusions that people never know otherwise are fake. Maybe...Zera is one of them, but for her in particular. I could be wrong, but I think Zera passed away a long time ago, and Mavis created her as an illusion. But she doesn't know that other people can't see her."

"Man..." Ash then put a hand on his hat. "That sounds complicated." Pikachu twitched his ear and let out an exasperated breath himself on his shoulder.

I lowered my head. "Yeah. That's why...we can't question her. We have to act like Zera is real, because Mavis thinks so. Understand?" They nodded. "Good. Let's go back in before they come out and hear us." We quickly stepped back into the bakery, and everyone stared at us in wonder. "Sorry about that. We had a team meeting to discuss a plan to find Celebi. That's the Pokémon we're looking for."

Mavis blinked. "You couldn't discuss it with us, too?"

"Uh..." We all took our seats again. "You probably wouldn't understand. It was our world language, so it would have been too complicated to discuss it with you." I hoped my bad lying didn't show. Luckily, she was only thirteen. I assumed she lied herself once in awhile. Unless she really was that smart.

"I understand." Mavis grinned, relieving the breath in my chest. "So, where do we at least start?"

I looked at Ash then. "You said you've met Celebi before, right?"

Everyone looked at him, putting him on the spot. "Uh, yeah." Eevee and Pikachu hopped onto the table to listen.

"Then you would know where to look. What do you think?" I smiled at him, and he averted his eyes again. I lost my smile in confusion. Why did he keep doing that?

"Well..." he started while hiding his eyes. "Celebi is the forest guardian, so..." He lifted his head, shaking it and losing what I thought was a slight blush on his face. I widened my eyes when seeing that. "I would think it would be going to a big forest. Maybe the biggest one?"

"That's a really good start! You're a genius, Ash!" Serena exclaimed. I realized she was trying to get his attention, but after what I just saw him do...

"Well, if it's the biggest forest in Fiore, then you want to go to the one right next to us." Mavis lifted her finger as she stated this. "We were just going to head there as well."

"What for?" Clemont asked.

"We need to prepare to fight the guild that took over the town. Their name is Blue Skull, and they're not a nice one. So we need to learn more magic in order to create a plan to take them down for good." Mavis had sharp eyes, like what I saw in her picture back at the guild.

"There's also a huge dragon skeleton on top of the cathedral here. That's how we recognized it was them," Warrod added.

"So I'm guessing if you help us with finding Celebi, then we help you take down this Blue Skull. Do they have something to do with the treasure you're after?" Eevee started grooming herself as I asked.

Mavis nodded. "We know they have the Tenrou Jade. That's why we have to do what we can to get it back."

"And then we'll be rich...!" Yuri pumped his fists. I grinned softly. He reminded me of Natsu so much...

Mavis ignored him. "Shall we go to the forest then?"

"Yes," I nodded. "We'll help you. I don't like this Blue Skull, either. They've killed people, and that's never okay."

"Same with us," Serena said. "We come from a world where something that bad is never seen. It's mind blowing that people here think they can do that."

"That's for sure." Clemont adjusted his glasses. "They'll pay for what they did to everyone that lives here."

"Thank you," Mavis replied. "We'll need all the help we can get."


We arrived in the forest, Umbreon out and tracking Celebi. His rings glowed in the moonlight, and everyone from Fiore stared at him in awe.

"Your Pokémon is beautiful," Mavis said. "Isn't it, Zera? It reminds me of the moon a little bit." She hesitated as I assumed Zera replied to her. "Oh yeah! That one did remind my of a fairy. Elena, what was that blue and pink one again?"

"You mean Sylveon. That one is a fairy type too, remember." I grinned when she giggled.

"If even a fairy type is real in your world, then that means a fairy could be real here! You said we would meet a fairy right, Yuri?"

I looked at Yuri in the corner of my eye, and giggled myself when he moved his eyes away to avoid her. "Yeah, sure. They are hard to find though. I can't guarantee it."

"I know we'll find one, I just know it!" I smiled sweetly, knowing exactly why Fairy Tail got it's name now. Mavis was passionate about meeting a fairy, that was a fact. "Elena, can I hold your silver one?"

"Sure, Eevee won't mind. And call me Ellie, okay? It's what all of my friends call me." Eevee rushed up to her, hopping into her arms.

Mavis laughed in happiness. "It's so cute!" She stroked her head as Eevee smiled up at her and cried. "And so is the yellow one! It's specialty is electricity, right?"

"Right," Ash answered. "Pikachu's been my buddy for as long as I can remember. We've travelled everywhere together back home." Pikachu then cried happily in reply too.

"That's so nice! I wish I could have one of my own." Umbreon then stopped in front of us, sniffing the air.

"Hold on." I raised a hand up to stop everyone. Umbreon's yellow rings glowed brighter. "I think he has something." He then ran off of the path into the bushes. "There he goes. We'll have to wait here until he comes back."

"Seriously? That's it?" Yuri asked, clearly annoyed.

"We still might need your help. Celebi is a very powerful Pokémon when it feels threatened. It could literally use the forest itself to turn on us." I crossed my arms. "But...if I know how late it is at night, and how exhausted Celebi might be from what it's gone through..." The bushes started to shake again, and everyone was alert. Umbreon revealed himself with a sleeping Pokémon on his back, snoring softly in the moonlight.

Everyone let out a sound in surprise. "Is that it?" Serena whispered to make sure it didn't wake up.

I nodded, crouching down. "Yep. I knew it would be sleeping by now."

"It's so pretty..." Mavis said, her eyes shimmering. "It even has little fairy wings!"

I grinned. "Yeah, I guess it does. It can fly like one, too. It's not a fairy type though, sadly."

"Then..." Precht stepped forward then, making me look up at him. "What type is it?"

I admired his interest. I could tell he wasn't a talker, so I was willing to help him with that. "It's actually a grass and psychic type. That's why it can connect with the forest and travel through time. It's one of the rarest Pokémon that's ever lived, which makes it very powerful."

Yuri started to yawn. "Well, we found it. Can we finally learn how to use magic, now? I want to get what's mine from that Blue Skull."

I stood up then, feeling Umbreon glaring at him. "Hold on. We still need to make sure Celebi is okay to come back with us first. It needs to rest." I looked at Mavis. "Would it be okay if we set up camp for the night?"

"Of course it would," Mavis answered. She looked to her right. "Let's set up camp over near that pond. Then we can keep moving in the morning."

I turned to the other trainers, then. Ash and Pikachu yawned themselves. "Yeah, let's hit the sack for the night," he said. I left Umbreon out for the night to sleep with Celebi, and Eevee and Pikachu joined him. They all slept peacefully as we quietly worked to make the camp.

Our camp was set up in the next half hour, and everyone passed out.

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