Chapter 11: Rotten Chemistry

Start from the beginning

Eventually, we had to get back to reading through the script. It took a while, but not as long as it might have had we not gotten all of those roasts out of our systems.

As soon as we were finished, everyone except Christian and me rushed out the door. The read-through had taken longer than most of the cast had planned. It was almost nine, which meant they were all late to something. Savannah had to go to the recording studio – she apparently sang now, so God help all of our eardrums – Blake had a meeting with his manager, and the creepy man who played Will and Eric's father said he needed to go "do something." No one asked because I doubted anyone wanted to know what he was up to. I know I didn't.

I was actually kind of surprised Christian hadn't left with them, but I wasn't curious enough to ask him why he was still there. I was ready to high-tail it out of there and reunite with my bed, not stick around to talk to him of all people. My hand was on the door, and I was just about to leave when I vaguely heard my name. I stopped in my tracks to listen.

"... Are we... going to... Christian?" was all I heard.

I turned around, trying to locate the source of the sound while avoiding Christian's gaze, but I could feel it on me. "I think they're talking about us."

"No shit."

I made my way over to the source of the sound and heard his heavy footsteps trailing behind me.

"Anne, I promise you, it'll be worth it," I heard Nora say. "I know it will. I have faith in them." I was pretty sure Anne was one of the producers, but I wasn't sure.

"I don't know," someone – Anne, I was assuming – said with a sigh. "I won't deny that they're both talented. I know it was Rachel's choice, but I can't help but wonder if it will work."

"It will work," Nora said. "We've never hired anyone under these circumstances before, but I have a good feeling about this. You just can't fake what they have."

I glanced over at Christian for some sort of clarification since he knew this business a hell of a lot better than I did – as much as I hated to admit it – but he seemed to be just as lost as I was. I was still reeling from the sheer fact I'd managed to break into the industry in such a short time. I hadn't had time to get to know other people in the industry or totally understand how it even worked.

"You know what? This is ridiculous. I'm going in," he said.

I was going to tell him it was probably better to just stay put and keep listening in, but it was too late. He had already barged through the door. Nora and Anne could see me crouching down by the door, so sneaking away and pretending I was never here wasn't really an option anymore.

"What were you saying, Nora?" Christian asked.

"I'm sorry," I mouthed to Anne and Nora as I walked in, all of a sudden feeling a lot like a mother whose toddler was running rampant while she stood idly by, unable to control him. It was an odd feeling, all things considered.

"You guys are quick," Nora said. "I thought this conversation would happen later on."

"What are you talking about?" Christian asked.

She pressed her lips into a firm line and paused. "Well, to be honest, Rachel cast the two of you because of your rotten chemistry."

"Our rotten chemistry?" I asked. "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"

"Usually, yes," Nora said. "But this is different. Will and Emma can't stand each other throughout a good chunk of the film. They can't even be in the same room without starting an argument."

Christian and I shared a knowing glance. My lucky casting was making more and more sense. Newcomers didn't just land lead roles like this right off the bat. They almost always started with smaller roles until they made the right connection or wowed the right person and landed something bigger. There had to have been something else behind my casting, and this explained it. They liked me because I didn't like Christian. Who would've thought my vendetta would actually propel my career forward one day?

Nora chuckled at us. "Sounds familiar, doesn't it? When Sophia came in and you two kept fighting, Rachel and I started talking, and we said, 'Well, who better to portray Will and Emma than two actors who literally can't be in the same room without arguing?' It was perfect."

"But this is acting," I said. "Shouldn't any capable actor be able to portray that?"

"They should, but that's not always the case. Rachel was concerned any girl she cast would fawn over Christian and be unable to truly embrace her character. It's happened before, and she wasn't planning on casting Christian because of that any more than Christian was planning on being a part of this film. But then you came into the picture."

It was kind of hard to believe she was talking about me like I was indispensable. Sure, the circumstances were kind of odd and I wasn't sure this was entirely a compliment, but it felt nice to be needed.

"You did the impossible," she continued. "You put Christian in his place and treated him like he was just any other guy, and you weren't even acting. You didn't know anyone was watching. It just came naturally to you."

Christian looked like he wanted to complain but stopped midway.

Nora didn't even bother to acknowledge him. "That's when we realized that with you by his side, we could cast Christian after all. I know the scenes where Will and Emma get along may be a bit tougher, but I know you guys can do it."

I was silent for a moment, taking everything she had just told me in. I still wasn't sure how to feel about it, but it didn't really matter how I felt about it. The only thing I needed to focus on was making the best of the chance I'd been given, regardless of how it came about.

No one said anything until I finally broke the silence, shaking my head. "Wow. Wouldn't that make a great headline? 'I got the lead role in Kidnap My Heart because I hate Christian Ryder.' How much of your fan base do you think you'd lose then? All of the hopeful actresses and celebrity wannabes?"

He didn't say anything, so I went on.

"That would pretty much be most of your fan-base. That's a lot of anti Ry-Turds, you know. Think you could take the heat?"

He turned to Nora and Anne, rubbing his face in frustration. "I have to deal with this for three months?"

Nora shrugged. "You knew what you were getting into when you agreed."

He let out a loud exhale. "Just shoot me now."

"Don't have to ask me twice. Where's the gun?"

By the look he gave me, I couldn't say he was as amused by my comment as Nora and Anne were.

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