Chapter 20 : Pretty Much Dead Already

Start from the beginning

 " I know it's you Daryl." I begin walking again, hearing him following behind me.

 " Look I didn't mean-"

 " Don't bother alright? You'll pop your stitches so just go. I'll look for her."

 " Carol says we should stop." I freeze in my tracks as he stops too. I keep my back towards him, letting out an angered sigh.

 " What?"

 " She doesn't think she's alive." My breathing quickens in anger. I grab my knife from my belt, throwing it at a tree, an anger growl escaping before I grab my head in pain as the world spins again. I stumble, trying to balance and I fall to my knees, Daryl crouching beside me. As the pain goes I let go of my head, standing up and holding my balance with a tree and clutching to Daryl's shirt.

 " You okay?"

 " I'm fine, just wanna look for her." I look over at him, seeing his side bleeding. " Go back, your stitches popped."

 " I'm fine," he groans, holding his side, trying to stop the bleeding.

 " Leave."

 " Not unless you come with me. You could pass out here Peaches. At least look at me."

 " Just go." I try to walk away, only for his free hand grab my wrist, pulling back so I face him. I glance at his eyes before looking down, only for his to grasp my chin, making him look at me as he holds his side.

 " ... Fine."


 Carter's P.O.V

 " He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago," I hear Andrea say as we get closer to the house, Carol walking behind them.

 " Rick told us he was going out," Carol explains, making Daryl grow frustrated.

 " Damnit. Isn't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail. Oh here we go." I look up to see Shane walking to us, rifle in one hand with the bag of guns.

 " The fuck?" I murmur.

 " You with me man?" Shane questions, which Daryl agrees instantly as he hands him the rifle. " Time to grow up."

 " We're not supposed to carry," I state, him handing out weapons.

 " We can and we have to." He tries to hand me one which I shake my head to. He rolls his eyes before moving on. " Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe but now we know it ain't," he states before handing Glenn a gun, Maggie infuriated.

 " Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight."

 " Shit," I mutter, grabbing my hair. " We ain't going to Fort Benning Shane. We can't leave!"

 " We ain't going anywhere, okay?"

 " Maggie right, he's gonna kick us to the curb!"

 " Look, Hershel, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He- Well he's gonna have to," he explains trying to hand Carl a gun, in which Lori stops him.

" Oh shit." We look over in T's direction, seeing Hershel and Rick bringing walkers on leashes, Jimmy in front of them. Shane starts running towards them, us hot on his tail. He starts yelling. I blur out all of it, only seeing chaos.

Gunshots ring out, making me snap out of it and see Shane shooting one of the walkers, proving it's dead before taking a shot in the brain. Both the walker and Hershel fall to the ground, Hershel letting it sink in.

 " Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough! Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you gotta fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now." When his speech ends he shoots the locks, pulling the barn doors open. One by one walkers come out. T, Shane, Daryl and Andrea begin shooting, Glenn slowly joining in.

 As everyone of them falls, a small growl is heard inside. The one final walker stumbles out, making my heart stop.

 " So-Sophia..." I murmur, my body going cold as Carol tries to run to her, only for Daryl to stop her. As she stumbles faster towards us, Rick tries to walk forward, only for me to stop him. She grows closer as I stop in front of her, grabbing my gun and aiming. I let a tear roll down my face as I pull the trigger, her fragile body falling.

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