5. Logic

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A/N so the linked video probably makes no sense but I just added it because I went to see Stone Sour live in Cardiff a while ago and just wanted to share. This isn't my video but I was sat probably five seats to the left of the person filming! Just gonna say this, if you ever get the chance to see Stone Sour, take it because it's an amazing experience! Yeah, well I hope you enjoy this chapter. <3

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"Turns out I did have it!" I shrugged my shoulders and plugged my headphones in, giving a little smirk. Oliver just smiled and turned towards his bags. Christian walked into the living room and flung scarfs at both of us.
"Wrap up, it's cold outside."
"I appreciate the thought, DAD, but as soon as we leave we'll immediately be back into the warmth" Oliver stated, me nodding to agree with his logic. Christian rolled his eyes and picked up his bags.
"Fine, don't wear it then but grab your stuff, we're going to wait for the bus." My eyes widened and  I ran towards the scarfs, snatching one and quickly wrapping it around my neck. Christian just stared at me.
"Better take precautions!"


Finally the bus arrived and we all piled on, Oliver rushing in first because he was shivering. We lugged our bags behind us and entered the warmth. Me, Ol and Chris were the last three to be picked up, meaning everyone else was already on the bus (way to point out the obvious, me). There were six people that greeted us when we arrived: Till, Paul, Richard, Christoph, tour manager Jameson and technician Jeremy.  Luckily, the tour bus we're using is huge, if it wasn't a few of us would probably be resorting to the couch to sleep.  Apparently, the rest of the guys already claimed their bunks so we've probably been left with the awful ones. I walked through to the corridor where there were four beds either side of me. All four of the first bunks were taken and the back,bottom left was also claimed. Seeing as though Christian is always looking after us I'll let him have the bottom right because, in his words, 'if you fall out, it hurts less'. Sometimes his logic is a bit too... obvious? You have to admire him though! Because I really can't be bothered to stand here anymore, I just stuffed my bags into the right bunk and jumped up to lie down for a bit. Out of boredom, I checked the Wacken lineup. Although we're headlining, I never really thought to look at who else was going, it was never something my mind told me to do. It would be cool to wander around and possibly even check out a band or two. I scrolled through my phone until I saw what I was looking for. I scanned through the list and to my surprise, a few of the names actually rung a bell. Ghost, Arch Enemy, Avatar, Gojira... They all sound very familiar! Oooh, maybe I can plan to go see Avatar with Richard, even though he would full on fangirl... That's a risk I'm willing to take!
"Reeeeeesh! Come heeeeere for a sec!" I screamed out. But it turns out he was actually in his bunk. He opened the curtain on the bottom, left bed and peered up to me.
"What?" He said briefly.
"Do you fancy going to see Avatar? I mean you don't have to if you're busy or something..." Richard immediately shut me up by interrupting.
"Shut the fuuu...frick up! We're going!"

Yeah I know I've been gone for ages and then produce a shit chapter. I'm really sorry. Sometimes I feel like I forget that this is a Avatar fanfic because there is so much Rammstein, but I promise that in the next chapter there will be a fair bit of Avatar. Also I have a question, what do you all make of Avatar Country? It's grown on me so much and King After King is just so good! <3

And another quick question, who do you think would make a better father out of Jonas or Tim? No one needs to know why... It's not obvious...nope!

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