6. Wacken

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~(Y/N)'s POV)~

"Do you fancy going to see Avatar? I mean you don't have to if you're busy or something..." Richard immediately shut me up by interrupting.
"Shut the fuuu...frick up! We're going!"
I lightly chuckled to myself. Whatever did I do to deserve this life? I have an amazing career, amazing friends, a maybe not so amazing family... What's not to love! I happily dropped my head onto the pillow and eventually, I drifted off.

~Mini time skip to arriving at Wacken~

I was rudely awakened by a pillow being bashed into the side of my head. Surprisingly, Paul was the culprit! Me and Paul had always been friends but we never really had a bond that I have with others in the band. I guess it's because we're really different people, and also because we just don't have the time to connect with anyone anymore. I have a feeling Paul may think Wacken be a good time for us to bond.
"(Y/N) wake up! We're going for a wander around the site before everyone gets here!"
"What are you on about?! I wasn't sleeping! I was resting my eyes" I stated, hopeful he gets the hint that it's sarcasm.
"Oh of course you were (Y/N)! Because everyone snores when they're awake!"
"It's not scientifically proven yet!" I'm starting to think my argument is flawed... Welp. Paul rolled his eyes smirking, then starting to walk to the front of the bus. I rolled off of the bed, luckily landing on my feet! I then headed towards the bathroom with the clothes I picked out for today. Quick tip when on a tour bus, always knock on the bathroom door before barging in, you never know who's going to be in there! After finding out no one was there, I quickly showered and got changed. (Outfit down below... I like Judas Priest too much!)

After finishing, I headed out to the living area to meet everyone else

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After finishing, I headed out to the living area to meet everyone else. Turns out Till took my phone of charge to put his on... Gee thanks! I grabbed my phone of the counter and stuffed it into my back pocket and did the same with my wallet. Then, all seven of us set off! As a group, we thought it would be quite awkward to wander with all of us, so we split off into smaller groups. Oliver, Paul and Christian as one, Till and Christoph as one, and me and Richard as one. We all planned to meet at the back of main stage at five so we could all prepare for our set. After organising where we were going, me and Reesh set out.
"Can we see if we can find Avatar?" Richard asked while we were walking towards the stalls.
"Well you can, Rich, but I don't want to be seen as a stalker so I'll pass!"
"But what if there was a chance to see Rob Halford and I said that meeting him would be classed as being a stalker!?" Richard said in quite a moody tone.
"One. I'd probably never meet him because my anxiety would be out of this world and two. You would want to meet him too so you would be calling yourself a stalker!" I grinned at the logic I don't have.
"Shut up Brainy-Brian!" Richard said to me in a stupid voice.
"Aaaaah, WHY ARE YOU SO CRINGY!?" I screamed out, running into the open field where a huge crowd will soon be. As I turned around to see Richards reaction, I bumped into someone... shit.
"Oops! I am so sorry! I was being immature and now.." I've never been more embarrassed in my life.
"Haha, (Y/N) it's fine!"
"Oh John! I'm actually really glad it was you I ran into and not some other random stranger because I think I may have died if that were the situation!"
"I thought you were in danger!"
"Only sometimes!" I smirked and John had a worried look on his face. I think that's my cue to stop all the jokes!
"RICHARD! COME HERE!" I screamed to the other side of the field. Once Richard finally got to me and John, I started to introduce them to each other.
"Rich, this is..."
"I don't need a fucking introduction (Y/N)!"
Well... I tried.

A/N I feel like I'll be saying this a lot but sorry for the slow updates. This is actually my second time writing this chapter because I lost half of it. Also, I Must Fly should be published sometime this week so look out for that! <3

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