1. Duck mask?

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(Your POV)

Maybe strolling down the street wasn't such a good idea. I just don't know... I don't really feel comfortable alone anymore, I mean what if someone recognises me? Do I talk to them? That's stress that I don't need in my life. I glanced into the distance and saw someone wearing a Rammstein t shirt... Nope! I took a swift left turn straight through the door of Starbucks. I've been doing this for far over seven years now, being known shouldn't scare me but it still does. To not act suspicious, I walked up to the counter and ordered (f/drink), payed and stepped over to the side while I waited for my drink. Lately I've started to feel far less comfortable in Germany, I don't know why because as I've already said, I've been here for far over seven years, maybe it's time to move back to Scotland. Maybe it's time to quit my dream job and go back home to work on vehicles for the rest of my life. The way I said that doesn't sound too fun.
I turned my head towards the counter and saw a man holding out a cup, which I'm assuming is my beverage. I took the drink, smiled and spun around, heading for the door. That fan must have strolled past by now. I walked towards the door when it swung open and two tall (compared to me) males came in. One with really long, blond-ish dreads and the other with long, straight, dark hair and a moustache. Another thing is that they were both wearing Hawaiian shirts... Can you even buy one of those in Germany? If so, I'm getting one! I stared down and quickly walked past them, trying as hard as I can to avoid eye contact. As soon as I was past them, I pulled the door open and started strolling back down the street, heading towards my apartment.

I've been walking for about ten minutes now when I spotted oil running down the road. Me being the nosey person I am, followed the trail to see where it came from. I finally stopped in front of quite a vintage looking bus and by the looks of it, it was a tour bus. After I plucked up enough courage, I knocked on the door of the bus. The door opened outwards, making me step back a bit. All of a sudden, someone popped around the corner.... In a duck mask? The man quickly took it off and then chuckled for a bit.
"Haha! I'm so sorry, I was waiting for people! Maybe I should have checked who was there before coming to the conclusion that it was who I was expecting!" He said not breaking his laugh.
"Hah, yeah maybe!"
"Well would you like to come in?" He questioned, probably wondering why I came here in the first place.
"Oh, actually I came here to tell you that there's an oil leak coming from the front of the bus"
"Shit, I'll have to call up someone to look at it!"
I thought to myself for a moment.
"I could fix it for you if you'd like"

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