11. The Truth

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Till turned around slowly, as if he were afraid to see who ran into him. Me on the other hand, I was on the floor in tears from laughter at Johannes' shocked face.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" Johannes said near enough the same words to Till as I did with John when I bumped into him earlier.

Till shook it off and glared at me laying on floor with my hands on my stomach, only now starting to compose myself.

"I swear, (Y/N), you find everything funny." Till huffed.

"Mhm," I nodded sweetly and looked over to Johannes who looked flustered, "Oh, Till, this is Johannes. He's quite the fan if I do say so myself!"

"Hallo... Wait I've actually heard a lot about you I think. Isn't he in the band Reesh obsesses over?"

"The one and only Avatar?" I questioned.

"That sounds about right," Till stuck his hand out for Johannes to shake, "nice to meet you!"

Johannes' smile was like nothing that could be faked. He looked happier than a kid on Christmas morning. That's the thing I love about my career. You get to meet the people who are really passionate about what you do and that thoroughly enjoy the music you create. It's what makes life worth living; being able to make other people happy.

"What the fuck are you doing around this short shit?".... Yeah Till had to go ruin the mood.

"Actually I'm not short, you two are like 6"3 or something like that and I'm like 5"5! It's not that short!" I had to defend myself. The only reason I look short in this situation is because I'm around two fucking giants!

"Yeah, I'm on (Y/N)s side here, she's not that short! But on the other hand, she's shorter than Henrik so... (i don't know what height Henrik is so I don't know if I'm right but let's roll with it anyway)."

Till put his hand against his chest in a sarcastic pain and stormed off, pretending to cry.

"(Y/N) I actually came to tell you something." Johannes said in a pretty serious tone.

"Uhm... ok.." I uneasily replied.

"It's actually about Henrik..."

I nodded anxiously at what Johannes had to say next.

"(Y/N), the way he set his eyes on the moment you stepped into the tent, it was magic! Anyone could tell how he felt about you!"

Oh wow! I'm flattered but... I hardly even know this guy. What if he didn't like me and Johannes just thought wrong. What if I like him back and we can't see each other again!

"Trust me, I'm not wrong!" Crap, I didn't just say it in my head.

"Please (Y/N), he's such a nice and genuine guy and he deserves someone like you. Please just get to know him, even if it turns out that you don't like him back... It's just nice to see him happy. He hasn't had that light in his eyes since... I don't even know how long it's been."

What I didn't realise is a blush had slowly crept across my face, "he seemed like a really nice person but he deserves so much more than... me." I gestured to my appearance.

"He's like a brother to me, (Y/N), I think I know who's right for him," Johannes chuckled, "Just think about it.. Please." And with that he was off, leaving me alone in the middle of the field.

A/n this was fairly short sorry but I really wanted to update so... Here it is. There's gonna be a lot more of Henrik in the next few chapter so that'll be fun. Thanks for reading! <3

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