Befriending Her

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Befriending Her

"Jack, take this boy to the basement. I'll deal with him later, also, get a room ready for him." The girl demanded and a tall, lithe boy with dark, smoldering brown eyes stepped into the room.

Jack walked over to Mason and easily plucked him from the floor by the cuff of his neck.

I snarled, baring my canines at the boy. Mason may have crossed the line by attacking me but I still cared for how he was treated.

"Shut it, pup." Jack snapped, flashing me his fangs.

I crouched low, ready to pounce on him, my hackles raised.

Mason was struggling to get out of the boy's hold but Jack's grip was like iron.

Don't let him hurt you, Jason. I warned him.

Shut up, I don't need your help! He shot back.

I allowed him to say that since I know his pride had just been crushed by Jack.

"Jack!" The girl barked. "Don't speak, just do as you're told." She snapped.

Jack seemed reluctant to follow the girl's order but he complied with a slight bow of his head before he hauled Mason out of the room.

Immediately, the girl's eyes soften as she looked at me.

"Sorry if I seemed a little harsh, I must be that way around men because they seem to think that girls have no power. If I am strict they tend to listen better." She said but I didn't move from my crouched position.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I knew that as soon as I opened your door that you were going to bolt. I let you. I tried to give you as much time as possible to escape. Luckily, most of your friends got away. The only one I couldn't let you free is the one I just told Jack to take away. My brother would have my head." She spoke softly, and sat down, crossing her legs.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to tell myself that she was lying. But I knew she wasn't. I knew that Vampires would have been on me before I could have even set Jared and Simon free.

I shifted into my human form and pulled my legs to my chest to hide my exposed body as I sat in front of her.

"One was not able to get away from the three in the same room. He was injured and that is why I chose to stay. I leave no one behind, no matter who they are." I kept my eyes guarded as I spoke but I knew that she wasn't going to do anything.

"I'm sorry. What is his name?" She asked.

"Keith." I answered, my eyes downcast in shame.

I had failed him once again.

"I will make sure he gets the best doctor we have and he has the most comfortable recovery as possible." She promised and I look up at her.

I tried to detect a glint in her eyes but there was nothing but sincerity.

How is she one of them?

"Not every Vampire is cruel. Most of them aren't. My brother has a very good reason as to why he does the things he does, as do all the other Vampires who may seem to portray themselves as cruel and sadistic. I do not agree with the way they handle their anger but that is not in my power to change." She shakes her head.

"Of course it is, you are higher ranked than every Vampire accept for Erique. But you're also Erique's sister, couldn't you try talking to him?" I asked and she laughed emptily.

"Don't you think I've already tried that? My brother is one that hardly ever wavers from a decision he's made." The girl looked pained at her words, I could tell she wanted them to be lies, but they were not.

My heart tugged at the memory of Erique rejecting me but that was only the bond speaking. I didn't want him. If I had a choice, I could care less if he rotted in the depths of hell for all the havoc he'd created throughout the world.

I stand up, no longer embarrassed at the bareness of my body.

"I'm sorry, but I must go check on my pack member to see how he is doing." I excused myself.

I couldn't take the pain of talking about my mate any longer.

"Of course, he's been moved though. I had one of the palace's medical staff move him to the infirmary." She got up and quickly slipped off her clothes, except for her undergarments.

"Take these for now, you look about my size." She handed them to me.

After a seconds hesitation, I took them and easily pulled them on, thanking her.

She stuck her hand out with a smile and said, "I'm Linda, it was a pleasure talking to you."

I took her hand, firmly gripping it.

"Dani, the same." I replied, allowing a bit of power to radiate from me to remind her that I wasn't someone you wanted to mess with no matter how kind you may portray yourself as.

I quickly jogged out of the room, slightly wincing at the pain throbbing from my side with each step I took.

I stopped and lifted the shirt given to me to reveal a dark bruise covering most of my side. It must have formed when that Vampire grabbed me earlier after Jason attacked me.

I brushed my hand over it and cringed at the amount of pain that it caused. I hissed and snatched my hand away from the wound. It would heal but it'd take a couple hours.

"I would say I feel bad for you but my mother taught me not to lie. I hope it hurts." A bone-chilling voice filled the air and my head snapped up.

My eyes met menacing black ones and I struggled not to submit to the power rolling off of him.

"Shut up, Erique and move along. I'm not in the mood to play your games. Why don't you go kill more innocent humans." I spat, feeling hatred swirl within my eyes.

"You're on my land. I tell you what to do, not the other way around. Turn around." He demanded.

"No." I refused.

I crossed my arms over my chest and displayed the most disgusted look I could on my face.

"Now, or I'll have my men feed from the dog my sister has in the infirmary." He growled.

I growled back, flashing my canines.

"You touch him and I'll kill every last one of your kind until I know they're in the depths of hell. I don't care if it's the last thing I do, but I will not tolerate you being an immature little boy and taking your anger out on my pack. I made you angry, not them, so don't you dare threaten me with my own family." I snarled, jabbing my finger at him.

"Then turn around and you'll have nothing to worry about." He spoke in a deathly calm manner and before I knew what was happening, I found my body obeying his command as if it had a mind of its own.

"Good pup." He snickered and he had his chest pressed against my back within seconds.

He bent his head down to my neck and ran his fangs over the delicate skin.

"You can't defeat me. I'm the Vampire King. I have had centuries of experience, where as you have only had years of experience. I could crush you with just the flick of my finger and you'd be tiny dust particles." He breathed deeply, causing my body to lean against him on it's own accord.

"You can't even handle me standing behind you, how are you ever going to handle killing me?" He chuckled darkly.

I forced myself to have control over my body once more and I swiftly turned around and smacked him straight across the face.

"You're a monster and always will be. I hate you and everyone one that follows you. You're cruel, heartless, and sadistic. I hope that your life will be filled with death and sorrow. I want you to feel what everyone around you has felt because of the decisions you have made in your life. You disgust me!" I raked my nails down his cheek, drawing blood.

Anger boiled in his eyes, turning them red but they instantly cooled and they became black endless pits once more. I frowned when I thought I saw a flash of pain but it was gone before I could be sure.

He give me a cold, hard glare before turning and walking away.

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