The Expected Event

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The Expected Event

She crossed her arms in defiance as she turned her head and stuck her nose in the air.

"Selene, you're acting like an immature little girl right now. I have bigger problems than sitting here watching you pout like a three year old." I pursed my lips, getting slightly annoyed now.

"You know I'm against killing people, no matter who it is. No deserves to be murdered. I don't even know why you'd think about coming to me for help. I am not participating in a murder, you're out of your mind." She snapped not bothering to look at me.

My wolf growled at her disrespect towards us but I waved her off inside my head. I'd deal with that problem later.

"Selene, it is my responsibility to do what is best for the pack and unless you want to see your mate dead, you'll hand over a pair of your pants and a shirt. You may not want to participate in this "murder" but do you honestly want to participate in Jonathan's funeral?" I growled, power leaking into my voice.

As much as Selene hated seeing people killed, she didn't want her mate dead. She loved Jonathan, the pack's spy and her mate, too much and would literally sacrifice anything to have him by her side. She was quite protective for a human mate and I admired her for that.

She stopped, her face turning into a mask of pain. She didn't like the thought of Jonathan being dead.

"Fine, but I will do nothing else to help you kill all of these innocent people. They have yet to do anything to us and I don't understand why you can't be civil about this. Sometimes I really do think you live up to the Vampires's words about you being monsters." She replied.

My wolf growled again. I had to agree with her this time, Selene went too far and she's beginning to think she can disobey me. I am the leader and will soon be taking over the pack. She better straighten up soon or she'll have to pay the consequences of disobeying me. As much as I don't want to do that to her or Jonathan, I cannot allow pack members to think they can disobey me when ever the hell they feel like it.

"He would never leave me." She adds, quieter this time.

Selene had very strong views on killing people and in a way, she is innocent. She doesn't understand how vampires are really the monsters. She's never met one and doesn't know how cruel the world is. Jonathan protects her from all that, sheilds her so she's not always shaking in fear.

"He won't have a choice if we don't stop the Vampires now. We can't wait any longer." I reply and she breaks, finally looking at me but with a broken look in her eyes.

"I'll give you a shirt and a pair of sweat pants." She whispered, the look of pain contorting her features.

"Thank you, Selene, I know this is really hard for you." I spoke quietly, giving her a sad smile.

I hated bringing her mate into this but I needed her to see the big picture and what could happen if the Vampires won the war; they'd wipe out the whole Shifter population and possibly half the human race.

I shivered at the thought, vowing never to let that happen.

I quickly left Selene after she had given me what she promised, leaving her to her thoughts.

Eva got a pair of clothes from the other human girl who is also a mate to a Shifter. I took Selene because I knew she was going to be difficult and would refuse to allow me to borrow a pair of her clothes. Eva got the easy one, Sarah.

"You ready for this tomorrow afternoon?" She asked me.

"I hope so, otherwise we're doomed." I joked but couldn't help but believe that it was true, because it was.

We would be in trouble if we weren't ready. We only have one shot at this and if we fail, we'll all be killed and the Vampires will sure as hell take over since my father thinks sitting around will magically make them disappear.

I rolled my eyes at this. How could he be so niave?

She chuckled trying to lighten the mood with me but I could detect the nervousness thinly laced in it.

"So do you have a specific plan on what we're going to do or are we just going to wing it?' She questioned quietly, unsure about how I would answer.

"I was thinking about entering their land on the east side since it's barely guarded. It'll take a little longer to get in through there, but it's our best shot to getting in. We could take out the few patrollers and go in from there. I'm not exactly sure how everything looks after that so we'll have to act quickly while we have the human scents masking our own, otherwise we're sitting ducks just begging to be killed." I replied and I saw fear flash in her eyes.

I've never seen such raw fear come from Eva but it was pouring off her in waves. It made me a little scared.

"Eva, you can back out of this one if you're not comfortable with going." I tell her softly and she shakes her head, the fear gone from her eyes in an instant, like she shut it off.

I knew she was still scared but she didn't want me to know it. It hurt, knowing she was hiding her fear to do what I asked her.

"Eva, I'm serious. Don't feel obligated to do this because I asked you to." I tried again.

"I'm fine, Dani. I want to do this." She lied and I could easily tell she was.

She had that blank look on her face, trying to mask her emotions so I wouldn't know what she was feeling. She did it everytime she lied.

I frowned, pained by her actions.

"I'll call you down tomorrow when it's time to leave." I said briskly and then walked to my room.

Eva would always shut me out when she got uncomfortable and it hurt because I was her best friend. We used to be close and now, ever since she lost her mate she's done this. I guess I can understand to a certain extent but I haven't met my mate so I don't know how bad it'd fell to loose him. I can imagine it's extremely heartbreaking and painful especially with the event being so recent. But that still doesn't make up for the fact that I'm her best friend and she can tell me anything.

I changed into my pajamas, laying out Selene's clothes for tomorrow. They reeked of her human scent. That's good since my scent will be masked by hers. It'll make it easier for us to cross the border.

I switched the light off, my mind flickering to the fantasy of finding my mate and how I'll meet him before my eyes shut and darkness captured me in it's arms.

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