Chapter 5

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Nic's POV


There are some insane perks to being a vampire like: every girl I want I can get, Taylor can't get enough, and blood is amazing. There are other perks too, but I always have a guilty conscious about lying to Emma. I don't really care about any other human except her; I would take a bullet for that chick. Although bullets don't pierce me, another perk, most of the vamp. Legend stuff does. Wood, for example, pierces me.

After getting in that fight with Emma, all I wanted was space. She hurt me when I saw the way she looks at Stone. I really hate that guy. I mean, the fact that she knows he is a vampire and she doesn't care makes me angry. She would never do that for me, maybe at one point, but not now.

Tonight I will go to see Taylor. Taylor is Emma's older sister, older by five years. Taylor is 'sixteen'. I don't know what she wants, probably to go hunt together or something, I don't know. I jump out my window in my room to find Taylor standing there.

"Hey there." I say with a smile. I'm sure I can't trust her, but I think I have feelings for her, and Taylor might even have feelings for me. I don't know, it's crazy. It might just be because she turned me, and that automatically should make me 'want' her.

"Hi." She responds. Leaning in to kiss me.

"So, what's the plan tonight?" I asked. I never know what we are going to do. I mean, it always includes attacking some human, but other than that it's pretty unexpected.

Instead of answering my question she returned with a question of her own.

"What's wrong? I heard the whole thing with Emma." Taylor said. I forgot about her hearing.

"I hate this Stone guy. I am pissed at Emma right now. Do you really want to talk about my feelings right now?" This made me madder

"No. Yes. You know I care about you, Nic. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt, and until you get through the rest of your transformation your emotions are going to go crazy." She said taking my hand. "The point is I'm here for you. Never forget that. Come on, let's go somewhere that's not a creepy ally." She smiled and we walked to her house.

She unlocked the door.

"You remodeled and stuff."I said

"Yeah, I did. Nice, huh?" she said on her way to the fridge. Opening the fridge she grabbed a bag of blood. Then she opened the oven and pulled out...chicken?

"You made dinner?"

"Hell yeah I made dinner." She said pouring the bag of blood onto the chicken

"Ummm.. This is new." I said reaching for a plate.

"Yeah, I mean, you're not completely a vamp. yet and I miss making human food, so this is special for ya." She smiled.

"So, this is all we are doing tonight?"

"Well, we could..." Taylor leaned over the table to kiss me. Well not just kiss me, we kind of made out, but that's usually all it goes to. We ended up on the couch, she lifted up my shirt, and I began to..... Before I could she said

"Oh my god. Your bite hasn't healed yet?"

"Well, I'm not exactly a full vampire." I tried to coax her, because I'm a guy and when I get that

"Yeah, but I've never turned anyone before, and I'm worried about you." She said.

I think I love this girl.

"Don't worry about me." I whispered back trying to kiss her again.

"Alright." She said. Wow, she gave in quick. I kissed her and ...

Let's skip forward a few hours. All I've got to say is that she is strong.

While putting my belt back on my pants Taylor said.

"So, I think we should make a blood pact. All it does is tie us, so we know what each other is thinking, know deep things about each other, and maybe even..You know... enhance our feelings for each other." She said. I was cool with that, like I care, Em and I will never be together anyway, and know that I'm a blood-sucking demon I could care less. Taylor digs me, and that's all that matters.

"Sure, as long as that's all it does." I responded

"I'll meet you back here tomorrow night at ten. "She said pushing me out of her apartment.

I walked back to my team's apartment, and jumped back into my room. Maybe I'll yell at Emma some more, huh, like she cares. The only one who appreciates me is Taylor. And I think Taylor even works for Matthew, I don't know. I should be grateful, she cares about me.


Taylor's POV


Nic has tasty blood. I made him so that he will always be at least half human, so he will be a nice little romance/snack for me. Plus, once this blood pact is final, he will do whatever I say. I know, I know, it sounds a little evil genius. If you're thinking that, ahh thank you. I'm only using Nic to hurt my little sis, Emma. It's her fault that my parents were murdered, and that Matthew will never be happy with me. Matthew killed my family, but he turned the wrong sister.

What happened on that day ruined my life. Matthews plan was to use Emma to make him more powerful, the point is, that when turned she should be the most powerful vampire. At least, that's what the premonition lady said. She told Matthew that "This young one will destroy you, or become your greatest asset." Matthew killed our parents and then took both of us, and then Emma escaped. Matthew took me, and then the premonition lady said that I was the wrong sister, and now I just work for Matthew. Since Matthew turned me, I have a connection to him others wouldn't understand. I am never good enough for Matthew, it drives me crazy. It's always Emma, Emma; Emma.

I am just using Nic as revenge. The idea is that I take Nic, and make Emma weak. Maybe Matthew will realize that I am better than my snot nose sister, and we will live happily ever after. Well, I haven't gotten the whole plan worked out. BUT MATTHEW AND I WILL LIVE TOGETHER FOREVER! HE WILL LOVE ME!

Today I killed this random guy and took his apartment. Shhh Nic doesn't know that, he thinks I just remodeled. The dudes mistress/girlfriend or whatever was making dinner. It's funny Nic thinks I made it myself. Nic is a sweet, weak little boy and will be a good dinner every once in a while, and a little romantic fun, but I need a real vampire like Matthew.

I invited Nic for a little fun, and had a little smack pretending to be all caring with stuff like:

'I've never turned anyone before, and I'm worried about you.' Both of which were a lie, I've turned tons of people, and I don't really care about him.

It's not that mean. I love Matthew, and we deserve each other.



So if you guys didn't get it, Taylor is crazy. I mean, I had to have at least one crazy chick : )

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2010 ⏰

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