Chapter 26.

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It was around 8:30pm karan still wasn't at home. Naina and meghnal kept trying Karan's phone but he wasn't picking up or at times he would hang up the call.
Nirmala: kids stop worrying about karan and eat.
Since everyone were waiting for karan they ate a little late. Naina and meghnal came downstairs.
NK: I'm not sparing Karan today, and bauji you won't speak anything to defend Karan.
Dadaji: (under his breath) as you spare him anyways.
NK: you said something?
Dadaji: Not really, anyways start eating.
Everyone started to eat but Naina wasn't paying attention to eat.
Meghna: stop playing with your food and eat.
Naina: huh? A-alright.
Kunal: (whispers to meghna and naina) I don't care if dad spares karan or not but I know one thing, that I'm not gonna leave him today.
Naina-Meghna giggled.
After a while they heard the door opening.
Karan came in and rushed towards the stairs.
Nirmala: karan?
Karan stopped in stairs not looking at them.
Nirmala: why are you so late?
Karan: i-i had work.
He said in a low but heavy voice.
Dadaji: change later firstly come and eat.
Karan: I'm not hungry.
He said and started going upstairs.
Naina: but K-karan..
Karan: I said, I'm. Not. Hungry!
His voice was raspy, he said and went upstairs.
NK: Karan!
He didn't heard him and went to his room.
Kunal: I'll talk with him.
He was about to get up but dadaji stopped him.
Dadaji: no let it be.
Kunal: but..
Dadaji: kunal, sit!
Meghna: kunal...
She held his hand, kunal sat.
Shardha was sitting quietly and eating her food all the time.
They all ate dinner and went to their rooms.
Karan was sitting on the chair while his head was down.
Naina: K-karan?
Karan looked at naina.
Naina: you went to classes but didn't took your notes or guitar today?
He looked away from her.
Karan: That's none of your business.
Naina: huh?!
Karan: I mean I didn't needed those.
Naina: oh-kay..
Naina knew Karan was behaving weird but she didn't wanted to argue so she left from the room without any further conversation.
She went to garden where meghnal were sitting.
Kunal: hey my little cutie.
Naina blushed.
Meghna elbowed kunal.
Kunal: what?
Meghna glared at kunal while Naina chuckled.
She sat with meghnal.
Kunal: anyways naina?
Naina: hm?
Kunal: what's up with karan?
Naina: he knows better.
She said in a low voice.
Kunal: h..what?
Naina: he won't tell me anything obviously and he doesn't looks like in mood to talk.
Kunal: that idiot.
Naina: jeeju!
Meghna: What jeeju?
She said furiously.
Naina: calm down di.
Meghna: I don't care if he's in what mood, if you're not going to talk to him I will!
Naina was about to say something but shardha came.
Shardha: now what's making my angrybird angry?
Naina-Kunal: nothing
Meghna: karan.
They said together.
Shardha: Okay now explain.
Naina told shardha how weird karan is behaving from yesterday.
Shardha: don't worry he must be tired right?
Meghna-naina hugged shardha.
Shardha: I'm going to my room, I'll leave tomorrow night.
Kunal: Maa, you should've stayed for long.
Naina: jeeju's right mumma.
Meghna: so di's tail is jeeju's tail now?
Naina: di!
They laughed.
Shardha: Anyways I'll leave now you guys don't stay out for long.
The trio nodded.
Meghnal and naina sat there for sometime and talked, after a while they went back to their rooms.
Naina saw Karan already laying on bed.
She went and took karan's clothes he was wearing today.
Naina: wait a minute.
She smelled the clothes.
Naina: karan drank again? Not happening.
She took the clothes and threw them in laundry, after that she layed on bed facing karan as karan was facing the wall.
Karan pretended to sleep.
Naina: Karan?
He didn't responded.
Naina sighed and slept facing the other side.
Karan turned to look at Naina. He mouthed sorry.
After a while when naina slept karan leaned forward and kissed naina on her forehead.
He layed back and slept.

Author: hey guys don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter <3

Meghna: shameless self promoting.

Author: *glares at meghna*

Author: anyways karan darling do you've something to say?

Naina: *gives death glares to author*

Author: I-i mean karan? Anything to speak bout?

Kunal: *cough* possesive *cough*

Meghna: *hits kunal*

Karan: yeah, just wanted to say thankyou so much for 3k+ views.

Fans: *claps* *hoots*

Karan: *opens arms like srk* I know I know y'all love me. *looks at author*

Author: what?

Karan: Well I'm glad to know that I'm the reason for so much votes and views. *winks*

Author: right... w-wait what?!

Kunal: would you give me the opportunity beautiful?

Author: *blush blush*

Meghna: *hits kunal again*

Author: U-um sure.

Kunal: *snaps fingers* *karan still here*

Kunal: what did just happened?

Karan: *smirks*

Author: lemme try. *snaps fingers* *karan disappears*

Karan (speaks outta nowhere) : I'm still in your hearts right?

Everyone: *rolls eyes*

Karan: *starts speaking about his highness*

Author: *snaps fingers* *shuts karan's mouth*

Author: *sigh* peace finally. Anyways don't forget to share your reviews about this chapter in the comments below :)

Meghna: I'm done. *snaps fingers* *everyone disappears*

Author: hey! I need them to write my next chapter.

Meghna: whatever. *flips hair*

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