Chapter 19.

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Everyone woke up late next morning as they were awake last night.
It was almost 10 when they came for breakfast.
Kunal: Finally I can see this beautiful smile on my beautiful sister in law's face.
Naina blushed.
Meghna: and I can see my cutie sister happy again!
Karan: at least I can see my best friend. He giggled.
Nirmala: stop talking and eat. y'all haven't ate properly since yesterday.
They all started eating.
NK: Karan?
Karan: yes dad?
NK: your childhood friend Rohan is coming to stay with us for a day. We've a party tomorrow so he'll stay till the party.
Karan: that flirt.
Kunal: your "bestie" - he teased Karan.
Karan: shut up Bhai.
Kunal: whatever.
Naina: why are you so annoyed by your friend?
Karan: I just don't like him. You'll know why.
Naina rolled her eyes.
In the evening around 4 or 5 it was time for Rohan to arrive.
Karan was walking back and fourth thinking.
Naina came and they accidentally collided with each other.
Karan: sorry.
Naina: why're you so tensed?
Karan: nothing.
He started walking again.
Naina: woah, take it easy.
Karan: Naina?
Naina: hm?
Karan: why don't you leave for sometime?
Naina: huh?
Karan: sorry I mean until Rohan is staying here.
Naina: and why should I?
Karan: ugh, it's so hard to explain something. He started walking again.
Naina: my besfendd is worried for me?
Karan: okay fine listen Rohan is pretty flirty, not like Kunal Bhai he's just too much.
Naina: okaay so basically you're kinda worried. For me.
Karan: sort of.
The doorbell rang.
Karan: damnit he's here.
Naina: calm down I'll check it.
Karan: no wait. I'll go.
He opened the door and saw Rohan there.
Rohan hugged Karan.
Rohan: hey my buddy! How're you?
Karan: i-i'm good.
Everyone came there.
Rohan greeted everyone.
He saw Meghnal.
Rohan: Meghna bhabhi right?
Meghna: yeah nice to meet you.
Rohan: me too. He smiled.
Rohan then saw Naina standing.
Rohan: who's this?
Naina: I'm-
She was about to speak but Karan spoke in between.
Karan: she's my wife, Naina.
Rohan: I see, nice to meet you. He moved his hand forward to shake with Naina.
Naina was about to shake but Karan came in between.
Karan: so what took you here?
Rohan felt annoyed.
Rohan: why? Can't I come to see my best buddy?
Karan: of course you can.
NK: come in Rohan beta.
Rohan: yes uncle.
He came in.
Nirmala: Naina? Can you show him the guest room?
Naina: sure maa.
Rohan smiled a lil.
Karan: no thankyou I'm here to help him.
He went with Rohan.
Naina chuckled as she saw him like this.
Meghna: what's happening cheeku?
Naina burst in laughter.
Naina: nothing, karan's just feeling insecure about me.
Kunal: never thought Karan could be so possessive.
He giggled.
Karan: here's your room.
Rohan: thanks.
Rohan: anyways Karan?
Karan: yeah?
Rohan: your wife is really pretty.
Karan "in his mind" : that's why I was feeling uncomfortable.
Karan: um- thanks.
In the evening around 6 nairan,meghnal and Rohan were sitting in the garden.
They all were talking while Rohan was glaring at Naina in between. Karan noticed it.
Karan: Naina?
Naina: yes?
Karan: I think mom's calling you.
Naina: but I didn't heard anything.
Karan: but I did.
He pointed at Naina to leave bc Rohan was staring at her.
Naina: I guess I heard something too I'll just go and check. She went and giggled in between.
Rohan "in his mind" : why did idiot has to come in between always?
Rohan rolled his eyes.
Kunal: so Rohan tell us more about you.
Rohan was lost in his thoughts.
Kunal: Rohan?!
Rohan: o-hyeah?
Kunal: nothing.
Later Karan went into his room where Naina was sitting reading a book.
Naina saw Karan and Chuckled remembering how insecure Karan feels when Rohan is around her.
Karan: what?
Naina shook her head in no.
Meghna: Karan looks so cute when he's jealous. She giggled.
Kunal: yeah.
At the dinner:
Everyone sat while Naina and Meghna were serving them.
Naina sat between Karan and Rohan.
Rohan smiled seeing Naina.
Karan: Naina?
Naina: now what?
Karan: shift seats.
Naina: what?
Karan: I said shift.
Naina: but..
Karan: shift! Please?
Naina nodded.
Karan felt relieved. Rohan rolled his eyes.
After the dinner everyone went to their rooms.
Naina was laughing at Karan for being too possessive.
Karan went closer to Naina.
Karan: you're laughing at me?
Naina: um- nope?
Karan: really?
They looked into each other's eyes.
Suddenly Rohan came in with knocking only once.
Rohan: looks like I'm at the wrong time.
Karan went away from Naina they felt awkward.
Rohan: I'll just go back.
Naina: no with it's fine.
Rohan: great then.
Karan looked on annoyed.
Karan: you needed something?
Rohan: nope I just thought I should meet y'all.
Naina pointed at Karan to stop behaving weird.
Rohan: Naina?
Naina: yeah?
Rohan: just realized you're prettier than your bhabhi.
Naina: I can't be.
Rohan: why?
Naina: Because she's my di! She said while smiling.
Rohan: nice bond between these two.
Karan: of course after all bhabhi's her sister.
Rohan: Meghna bhabhi is naina's sis?
Naina: yeah?
Rohan: hm that's cute.
Naina: thankyou.
Rohan: you look really Beautiful when you're happy.
Naina: um- thanks.
Karan: anyways don't you think it's time to sleep? You must be tired after all.
Rohan: oh- yeah I should go.
He went from their room.
Naina: he's really flirty tho.
Karan: told you, just try to stay away from him.
Naina nodded.
Next morning everyone were busy preparing for the party. While Karan was looking on Naina.
Naina was alone in kitchen checking on stuff.
Rohan came there.
He stared in Naina, Naina didn't noticed him coming. She turned back and saw Rohan standing right behind her.
Naina: um-y -you want something?
Rohan: yeah I just wanted a glass of water.
Naina: I'll get that.
Naina took a glass and filled it it water while Rohan was glaring at Naina.
Karan looked on irritated.
Naina moved the glass towards Rohan.
Rohan held the glass with naina's hand he kept on looking at her. Naina felt awkward.
Naina looked on her hand which was held my Rohan.
Rohan moved his hand back with taking the glass.
Naina kept her hand back.
Rohan moved closer to Naina.
Rohan: so tell me more about yourself?
Naina: um- me?
Naina held the shelf behind her as she was getting uncomfortable.
Karan came from behind.
Karan: Naina?
He was full of anger.
Rohan stepped back from Naina.
Karan came and held naina's hand and was about to take her back.
Karan turned towards Rohan.
Karan: just stay away from her.
Rohan rolled his eyes while Karan took Naina back in their room.
He slammed the door.
Naina: easy Karan.
Karan: shut up, and you! I told you to stay away from him.
Naina: but I didn't went to him.
Karan: whatever.
Naina hugged Karan from the side.
Naina: cutie's jealous?
Karan stepped away from Naina.
Karan: from Rohan? Obviously not.
Naina: really? You're so red-ish rn.
Karan: as you didn't saw what he was doing.
Karan: I can't wait for this party to end.
Naina smiled.
Karan: anyways just make sure you're all the time with me in the party don't you dare to get away.
Naina: fine fine Mr Karan Singh Chauhan. She giggled.
It was evening.
Everyone came down for the party.

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