Chapter 22.

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Next morning everyone came from their rooms for breakfast everything went peacefully.
Shardha: Naina,Meghna you should go back to your home now it's been so late.
Naina: why mumma? You don't want us around? (She said sarcastically)
Meghna: cheeku!
Naina giggled.
Shardha: of course i want you two with me but you can't stay away from your responsibilities right?
Naina,Meghna: yes mumma.
Kunal: so we'll leave in an hour.
Meghna: so let's start packing?
Naina: let's go.
After a while they came with their bags.
Kunal: I've called the driver he'll be here soon.
Meghna: but..
Kunal: no buts we did as you wanted while coming now you're supposed to listen to us.
Meghna: whatever.
Bademama: we'll glad you came here, keep visiting us.
Naina: sure mama ji!
Chotimami: wished you could stay for long but your mama's right.
They smiled. Nairan and Meghnal took blessing from everyone.
Vaibhav: promise you'll back soon?
Naina Meghna looked at each other and smiled.
Naina-Meghna: Promise!
After a while they heard the car's horn.
Shardha: looks like it's time for y'all to go.
A tear rolled down her cheek but she whiped it off quickly.
Naina-Meghna hugged her.
Naina: we'll come back soon mumma!
She said with a huge smile.
Meghna: yeah, don't worry mumma.
Shardha: I don't worry i have such caring son in laws to take care of daughters.
She looked at kunal and karan.
Kunal: ofcourse maa. We'll make sure nothing teases them.
Meghna smiled.
They heard the horn again.
Karan: let's go then?
Everyone nodded.
They hugged each other and went outside.
Dadaji: come on hurry up my daughters and sons are coming we've to welcome them in a best way.
Sandhya stared at him with hate.
Nirmala: yes dadaji, anyways sandhya?
She didn't heard her as she was lost in her thoughts.
Nirmala: sandhya!
Sandhya: um yeah? Talking to me?
Nirmala: you're okay sandhya?
Sandhya: yeah of course.
Dadaji: maybe she's just worried about our children.
Nirmala smiled.
After a while nairan and meghnal came.
Nirmala gave them a warm welcome.
NK: we're glad you guys had fun there.
Meghna: yeah and we missed you all alot!
Naina: but staying away from problems was a great idea.
She said looking at sandhya while sandhya gave her a glare. Naina broke their eye contact after a while.
Naina: anyways how're everyone here?
Dadaji: we're absolutely fine.
NK: you want my children to stand here forever? Come on let's get in.
Everyone chuckled.
They all went to their rooms time passed and it was night.
Naina went to kitchen to get a glass of water before sleeping.
She drank water and was about turn around but saw sandhya standing behind her. She let out a gasp.
Naina: what are you doing here maasi maa?
Sandhya: so i can't even move in my own house?
Naina: I didn't meant that.
Sandhya: I absolutely know what you mean.
Naina stepped back.
Sandhya: you all enjoyed alot didn't you?
Naina: y-yes..
Sandhya: so bad for you, you're gonna forget how to smile in a few days.
Naina: please you always say that and guess what? Love conquers hate.
She said with a smirk.
Sandhya: well you're really proud of yourself right? I was playing easy on you thinking you'll leave. But I guess i have to something that'll make everything shatter.
Naina: w-what are your upto now?
Sandhya: something you can't even imagine.
She said and left kitchen.
Naina (in her mind) :
I need to stop her from doing anything stupid again. I don't want to lose karan.
She thought and went back to her room.
Naina entered the room and started making her bed while karan was playing with his guitar. Naina looked worried about what sandhya was going to do.
Karan noticed her being sad.
Karan: what happened "cheeku" ?
He teased her to make her smile.
Naina: nothing,... why?
Karan: because I can see this beautiful face fade down.
Naina blushed.
Karan: I love when you blush Naina.
Naina was turning into a human tomato.
Naina: shut up!
Karan laughed.
Karan: anyways im serious Naina. Is there something bothering you?
Naina: not really im fine karan just a bit tired.
Karan: you're really a terrible liar you know.
He said with a sad smile.

"Next morning at the breakfast"

Sandhya: karan?
Karan: yeah?
He sounded bored as he wasn't interested in whatever she says.
Sandhya: I have a work for you can you meet a client tonight?
Karan: im busy.
Sandhya: it's really important karan i know you won't deny me
Karan sighed.
Naina knew something was wrong about maasi maa. But she thought it would be better if she goes according to her plan to find out what is she upto.
Naina: karan, if maasi maa is insist insisting then you should go.
Karan looked at her with a "what" expression on his face.
Naina nodded knowing what he's thinking.
Sandhya glared at Naina.
Karan: fine whatever but when and where I've to go?
Sandhya: tonight at 9pm and ill text you the location.
Naina (in her mind) :
I won't let you hurt my family maasi maa. I know you're upto something and I'll definitely find that out.
Sandhya ( in her mind ) : I know what're you thinking Naina but you think I'm dumb enough to give you a hint about I'm gonna do something. I just wanted you to get aware so you'll know how bad I can do if you'll ever mess with me.
The day and evening went peacefully as everyone went to their jobs and were busy all the time.


Hey everyone!! Hoped y'all missed me! <3 and if not then who tf cares🤣
I'll try to publish atleast two or more chapters today. I'm pretty busy now adays as my high school is starting soon and I really dont know if ill be able to post regularly as i used to but im gonna try my level best. I love y'all thankyou for much support! ❤️
Hope y'all liked this chapter and as always dont forget to vote,share and comment down your reviews about this chapter. Much twists coming soon. (And yes again everything with nairan cz you know "nariyanfan" ;) *smiles evily* )

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