Chapter 3.

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Karan was sitting on the bed crying, he was blaming himself for not taking enough care of Naina. He was a bit angry of what happened downstairs.
Meanwhile Naina was getting worried of Karan. She tried calling him but he wasn't picking up. She was about to get up but remember what happened a few minutes ago. She was waiting for someone to come so she can walk around. Sandhya saw Naina like this and was happy inside that her plan started working.
Sandhya in her mind: told you, it's just the trailer the whole film is left Naina bahu.
Naina was sitting worriedly suddenly Kunal came
Naina: jeeju? How's di
Kunal: she's fine but still angry.
Naina: jeeju, can you please check on Karan? He was really angry when he left from here.
Kunal: sure, my Beautiful sister in law! He said with a smile
Naina giggled. But she was still worried about Karan and Meghna.
Kunal was about to go but Naina stopped her.
Naina: um- jeeju?
Kunal: yeah Naina?
Naina: i-i need a little help.
Kunal: sure, what is it?
Naina: actually I wanted to see di, but Karan told me not to walk. Can you help me so I can get to di's room?
Kunal: my duty!
Both giggled.
Naina: thankyou jeeju.
Kunal held Naina's arm and helped her to go to Meghna's room.
Naina: thankyou once again jeeju.
Kunal: don't be thanks, that's what jeeju's for.
Naina smiled.
Kunal: you should go meet Meghna while I'll check on Karan.
Naina nodded.
Naina went inside the room and saw Meghna sitting on the floor while her face was down on the bed.
Naina: di?
Meghna: cheeku? Why did you walked? Your legs must be hurting. Can't you take care of yourself?
Naina: di please. I'm not paralyzed or something I can still walk. Jeeju helped me to come up anyways.
Meghna: alright, sit.
Naina sat and wipes tears from Meghna's face.
Naina: sorry di.
Meghna: why are you saying sorry? Our family is the one to say.
Naina: please don't say that. They were also worried about me.
Meghna: yeah yeah. What else can they do?
Naina: dii!
Meghna: fine, where's Karan?
Naina: h-he's in his room..
Meghna: what happened cheeku? Is everything alright.
Naina: yeah what else can happen?
Meghna: stop lying, I know something is not right.
Naina looked down and didn't replied. Meghna: okay then, I'll ask Karan about it.
Naina: no di wait!
Meghna: hm good, now tell me what happened?
Naina: nothing much he's just got angry on me.
Meghna: and that's nothing much? Why don't you say him something?
Naina: I can't di. He was just worried nothing else. Don't worry he'll get back to normal soon.
Meghna: fine! I'm going downstairs you wanna come?
Naina looked at her legs.
Meghna: oh sorry, you want me to help you?
Naina: obviously di.
They giggled.
Meghna helped her to get downstairs.
Everyone were sitting in the living room. It was time for dinner and Karan was still in his room.
Nirmala: Naina? Where's Karan? I didn't saw him after morning.
Naina: maa.. actually even I didn't saw him maybe he's in his room.
Nirmala: don't worry he'll come.
Naina smiled.
Kunal was sitting besides Naina.
Naina: jeeju? Is he fine?
Kunal: yeah, he's just a little upset for what happened today.
Naina: wait I'll call him :)
Naina tried to go but forgot that she can't walk. She was about to fall but Kunal held her arm.
Kunal: Naina. Easy. You should sit I'll go.
She nodded.
Kunal went to karan's room but couldn't find him there. He searched in the washroom but he wasn't there.
Kunal came down.
Dadaji: what happened Kunal? You look worried.
Kunal: dad actually Karan is not in his room.
NK: what? Where can he go at this time?
Meghna: yeah I didn't saw him coming out of his room.
Naina was worried. She called Karan but he wasn't picking up.
Nirmala held Naina's hand
Nirmala: beta, don't be upset he'll be around here.
Kunal: yeah cheeku mom is right I'll go check you guys start eating.
They all started to eat but Naina wasn't eating well.
Meghna: what happened Naina?
Naina: di I'm no hungry. She said in a very low voice.
Meghna: of course you are you didn't ate anything since morning. All you had was juice and medicines.
Naina: di I don't wanna eat.
Meghna: Naina don't argue with your di. Shut up and eat.
Dadaji,Nirmala,NK laughed.
Sandhya was quiet all day and ate her food silently and went for her room.
Meanwhile Kunal was searching for Karan he went to garden area and saw him sitting in the dark looking at his laptop. He was watching the footage again and again.
Kunal: Karan! What are you doing here. Come and eat everyone is waiting for you.
Karan: I'm not hungry leave me alone Bhai.
Kunal: I'm not leaving without you.
Naina is getting worried you aren't even picking up her calls.
Karan stopped for a while.
Karan: tell her I'm fine, I just don't want to eat.
Kunal: Karan please?
Karan: Bhai just go. He said angrily.
Kunal left.
At the dining table:
Everyone: what happened Kunal, where's Karan.
Kunal: he said he's not hungry.
Naina got upset. And left eating.
Naina: jeeju can you please lead me to my room? I'm done eating.
Dadaji: beta but you haven't even ate anything.
Naina: dadaji I'm not feeling well I'll just rest in my room.
By saying this she went to her room.
Meghna knew why she was behaving like this. It was night everyone went to their rooms. Meghna took a glass of juice and went to Naina's room.
She came in and saw Naina sitting near the window and a few tears rolling down her cheeks.
Meghna: cheeku?
Naina saw her and wiped her tears.
She takes a smile.
Meghna: is everything alright?
Naina: yeah what can be happen to me? All good.
Meghna: you know you can't lie to me right?
Naina went silent.
Kunal came from behind
Kunal: topper! stop making my sister in law sad.
Meghna: really?
Naina giggled.
Meghna gave the juice to her and a few medicines.
Naina: ugh I'm tired of eating these medicines.
Meghna laughed.
Kunal: awe my cute sister in law.
Naina: jeeju!
Meghna: you can't say no this juice because you haven't ate anything since morning.
Naina nodded.
Meghnal went to their room.
Meghna was still upset.
Naina was sitting near the window and slept there.
Karan came after a while and saw Naina near the window.
He picked her up and made her lay on the bed he gave her a blanket and slept on the side.


It was getting way more long so I decided to post the rest in the next chapter. The next one will be published soon. Hope y'all are enjoying this story.

Love Enpowers.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora