Chapter 13.

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Next morning everyone arrived at the dining table.
Naina and Meghna were serving everyone.
Kunal: cheeku, thankgod you're back I was tired of eating Meghna's hand made food.
Meghna: okay then, I won't make anything for you from now on.
Kunal: wo- I was just kidding.
Meghna: as I was serious.
They laughed.
Karan was staring at Naina while she was serving everyone.
Meghna saw him.
Meghna: Kunal?
Kunal: yeah?
Meghna: tell your brother to stop staring at my sister.
Karan felt embarrassed.
Naina giggled.
Sandhya "in her mind" : ugh I need to do something, I need to think something else.
Naina: oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all something.
Meghna: what is it?
Kunal was drinking coffee and Karan was drinking juice.
Naina: di, actually sawri's coming to visit us.
Kunal spitted the coffee out while Karan choked on his juice.
Naina: what?
Kunal and Karan looked at each other.
Kunal: I wish I could meet her, but I have an important meeting today.
Karan: yeah, I also have extra music classes today.
They all sat.
Meghna: everything? Today? All of a sudden? And Mr Kunal Singh Chauhan I didn't got report about any kind of meeting.
Naina: yeah and karan? you just told me today that you'll have less classes today.
Kunal and Karan looked at each other.
They all laughed.
Kunal: actually it was a sudden announcement of the meeting.
NK: don't worry Kunal, I'll handle it.  And Karan? You should stay home.
Kunal,Karan: ok dad.
Naina and Meghna laughed.
Kunal whispered in Meghna ear.
Kunal: you seem very happy right?
Meghna giggled.
Dadaji: it's a great news Naina, when is she coming?
Naina: Mumma told that she will come around 3 or 4 and will leave at night for bundi.
Sandhya: great, Naina bahu you gave me an idea of troubling you. Thanks.
In the afternoon;
Karan and Kunal were sitting in the garden.
Karan: Bhai we have to do something.
Kunal: yeah I can't bear that psycho in my house.
Meghna and Naina we're standing behind.
They laughed.
Meghna: why are you guys so scared?
Naina: and jeeju don't call her psycho.
Kunal: why shouldn't I call her that? Don't you remember what she did on your wedding?
Naina recalled the memories.
Karan hitted Kunal.
Kunal: what?!
Meghna: can't you shut up for a second?
Kunal: what did I do?
Meghna: whatever, Naina?
Naina was lost in the memories.
Meghna: Naina!!
Naina: what di? Anyways, Mumma told me she behaves good now. Khyati also said she's changed.
Meghna: yeah don't worry everything's gonna be fine.
Karan and Kunal were nervous.
In the evening sawri came.
Naina and Meghna went to her and hugged her.
Naina: how are you? I haven't seen you for months.
Meghna: yeah, how's everything?
Sawri: I'm fine, and everything's also fine after Shardha mayi started looking after me she succeeded in changing me.
They smiled.
Everyone were in the living room.
Meghna: come in sawri.
They went to everyone
Naina: look sawri's here.
They all greeted her.
Kunal and Karan were looking at each other.
They nodded.
They both came near sawri and greeted her.
Kunal: woah that was easy.
Karan: yeah.
Meghna: told you.
Sandhya: how are you sawri.
Sawri ignored her and acted irritated. Sandhya felt embarrassed.
Naina: um- sawri?
Sawri: what.
Naina: how are your classes?
Sawri: they're good Naina... Di.
Naina: what did you just called me?
Sawri: um.. di?
Naina was excited.
Naina: I'm a di too! She said in excitement.
Meghna smiled.
Meghna: calm down Naina.
Kunal: she's really changed.
Karan nodded.
Sawri: uh. I-i had to talk to y-y'all.
She was stumbling as she was nervous.
Naina: yeah what is it?
Meghna: you can tell us sawri. We're your family.
Sawri smiled.
Sawri: I wanted to say sorry for what I did before. I didn't meant to.
Everyone smiled.
Dadaji: don't worry sawri it's absolutely fine.
Naina,Meghna: dadaji's right.
Sawri: thankyou.
Everyone were happy seeing Sawri behaving good.
Sandhya: don't you miss pushpa? Afterall she's your mother.
Sawri: don't call her my mother!
Naina consoled Sawri.
Meghna: Sawri? Is everything alright?
Sawri nodded.
Kunal whispered in Meghna's ear; looks like she loves Shardha maa too.
Meghna smiled.
In the evening Naina,Meghna and Karan,Kunal were sitting with Sawri talking.
They heard the door bell.
Nirmala: wait I'll go.
Nirmala opened the door and was shocked.
Meghna: maa? Is everything ok?
Nirmala went a side they all saw pushpa standing there.
Pushpa: won't you welcome me?
Nirmala started to sweat.
Nirmala nodded.
Meghna: what are you doing in our house? She said in a loud voice.
Naina: di!
Sawri was shocked seeing pushpa.
She turned her face away.
Everyone came there.
They were shocked seeing her.
Dadaji: what are you doing in our house!?
Pushpa: I'm not interested to talk to you I'm just here to take my daughter back.
Sawri: I'm not going with you just get out.
Sandhya: Sawri! Is that how you talk with your mom?
Sawri: I told you she is not my mother and you! Don't interfere in my life.
Naina: Sawrii..
Naina held her hand and calmed her down.
Karan was irritated with Sandhya.
Sandhya: but she is your mom not Shardha.
Karan: if she's saying then why are you forcing her? And why're you pushing Shardha maa in?
Meghna: Karan!
Naina was worried seeing Karan angry.
Pushpa: you all don't interfere between me and my daughter. I'm talking to her not you guys.
Pushpa held sawri's hand.
Pushpa: let's go.
Sawri was trying to free her hand.
She was about to take her but Nirmala came in between.
Pushpa: look now queen Nirmala will stop me.
Kunal: don't you dare say a word against my mom!
Pushpa: STEP mom!
Kunal felt sad.
NK: who the hell are you to speak with my son like that.
Dadaji: Nand Kishore!
Meghna: papa's right dadaji, she has no right to speak about out family.
Pushpa went furious.
Pushpa: enough! First you all ruined my daughter's life and now you want her to stay here?
Sawri succeeded in freeing her hand.
Sawri: they ruined my life? You was the one who destroyed me. You was the one who made me behave like a psycho!
Pushpa: sawri!
Sawri: no let me speak! You were a nurse right? So you knew how to make a normal person into a patient. You made me so excited about wedding scolded me daily about my color, looks and said no one would marry me ever.
You made me into the condition I started acting like a psycho girl and you was the one who said if you won't marry anyone of them no one will ever marry you because of your looks!
Everyone were shocked.
Pushpa: sawri!! She slapped her.
Naina came in between.
Nina: why are you slapping her? Because she told the truth in front of us? Or she made you feel embarrassed?
Karan: Naina!
Meghna stopped Karan.
Meghna: let her speak Karan everything will be fine.
Pushpa: you! You and your sick husband has already made many problems for us! Now stay away from me.
Meghna went furious.
Pushpa: I don't know what a girl like you can do.
Sawri: just shut up!
Pushpa took a gun out.
Sawri: what the hell are you trying to do?
Kunal went to a corner and called the police.
She pointed the gun at Naina.
Karan: Naina!
She pointed the gun Karan instead.
Pushpa: you, you were the one who trouble my daughter.
She pulled the trigger sawri pushed the gun she lost her balance and shooted kunal's arm instead.
Meghna: Kunal!
Karan: Bhai!
Police arrived and took pushpa with them.
Officer: we want someone to file a report on her.
Pushpa: I'll come back, you'll pay for this Sandhya.
Naina "in her mind" : maasi maa?
Karan: officer I'll come with you.
Naina: karan..
Karan: don't worry Naina I'll be back.
Naina nodded.
Naina hugged Sawri.
Naina: don't worry Sawri everything will be fine.
Sawri hugged her back.
Sawri: I'm sorry everyone it's all because of me I shouldn't have come.
Sawri: sorry Kunal Bhai.
Kunal: don't be sorry it's not your fault.
Meghna: yeah he's right.
Naina: don't worry Sawri.
Sawri: I think I should go now.
Naina: but it's so early.
Sawri held naina's hand.
Sawri: I better should.
Naina nodded.
She greeted everyone and went back to bundi.
As NK called the doctor he arrived and cured Kunal's arm.
Doctor: it will be fine soon. Here are some medicines.
They all went to their rooms..
Naina: Karan? Remember when pushpa was leaving she warned maasi maa. Now what's the connection?
Karan: don't bother Naina we'll think about it tomorrow you should sleep now.
Naina nodded.
They all went to sleep.

Hope y'all liked this chapter and don't worry the problems are gone for a few days now. More interesting stuff coming soon :) dont forget to share your reviews about the changed Sawri. Thankyou <3

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