Chapter 5

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"Ohhh" I groaned. I really regret getting drunk. Why couldn't being a vampire have no effects when getting drunk. "Have fun did we?" A familiar voice said. I look up to see Damon sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked pulling the cover over my face.

"Is visiting a friend so wrong?" He replied sarcastically. I removed my head from the covers and have him a 'are you serious' look. "If it involves you? Then yes, there is something very wrong." I smiled.

"Get up." He demanded. "Why?" "Cause' we're going to the grill." I groaned. "It's too early." I protested. "It's 2 in the afternoon. Wake up." He threw a pillow from the small couch I had beside my dresser. "Ughhhh." I groaned getting up.

Walking into the grill I saw Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline in a booth. On the other side I saw Tyler and Matt playing pool.

Sitting down by Damon I asked a question that seemed pretty obvious. "You really hate seeing her with him don't you?" He sipped his drink. "Don't know what your talking about?"

"Oh come on. I'm not even here five minutes and I know you like her. Why, I don't know." I said mumbling the last part. "But stop lying to yourself and admit it."

"I'll admit it when you admit that you were there when Tyler Lockwood was turned into a hybrid. And that you were in the same room as Elena and Stefan when klaus forced him to turn his emotions off." He said taking another sip. I slammed my shot glass down and got up.

"My point exactly. I win." I scoffed at his stubbornness.

"Screw you Damon."

"Anytime." I flicked him off walking away.

I walked over to Tyler and Matt. "And so she returns." Tyler announced. "Returned?" I questioned. "I was never here." He just shrugged.

I sat on the edge of the pool table watching them play. "Is there anything fun to do in this boring little town?" I asked. "Well if you like getting drunk, dealing with dead ghosts, vampires, witches, hybrids, origanals, and doppelganger's, then you should find yourself pretty busy around here." Matt answered shooting the ball.

He made 3 in but I scoffed at the mention of Elena. "What?" Matt asked. "Don't even mention that doppelganger bitch." I said glaring at the back of her head witch was all the way across the room at one of the other pool tables.

"What's your beef with her?" Tyler asked. "I've had beef with all doppelganger's. This one just annoys the hell outta me."

"If your gonna talk about me while I'm in the same room, at least try to be quieter." Elena said with her arm around Stefan as she glanced back at me.

"And I really don't care if you hear me. But at least Katherine KNEW she was a manipulative, two-timing, no good, slut faced, bitch." I smiled at her, my British accent strong. I heard Tyler scoff with laughter but he easily tried covering it up with a cough. Oh and let's not forget Stefan's oh so defensive growl for his pathetic little girlfriend.

He let go of Elena and angrily walked past me, grabbing my arm dragging me outside. I just laughed. As soon as we got outside he pushed me against the wall. "What'd I do this time?" I asked innocently.

"Look you have got to stop with this hatred thing you have for Elena." He said letting go of me.

I smirked. "And why should I do that?"

"Because as my best friend you should respect my girlfriend even if you don't like her." I just laughed.

"Oh yeah. I should respect that little grunch. Also someone who has feelings for your brother." I growled the last part. "Just like that bitch Katherine. Elena tries to play so innocent. Whether you like it or not, she's exactly like Katherine. Playing both Salvatore's, and your both stupid enough to fall for the petrova charm." I used air quotes at the "charm."

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