Chapter 4: The Party

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Warning: SEXUAL contents ahead. If you feel uncomfortable then you might want to skip that part. Just a heads up, plus it might suck but trying is what matters. Plus it might suck 😕

~~Friday,Before The Party~~

I had got home about an hour ago. I was just getting out of the shower, and now I'm picking my outfit. I chose some skinny jeans, a pink shirt that read 'Sparkle & Shine'. It stopped above my belly button to show off my belly ring. I brushed my teeth, and let my natural curly hair fall. Before I walked out the door, I put on my black hightop converse and grabbed my keys.

I drove to the address Tyler had texted me earlier. To say it was hard to find a parking space would be an understatement. The place was packed. I had to push drunk people outta the way just to get through the door. As I was getting a drink someone grabbed my waist. "What the hell! If you d-" I started. I turn around to find Tyler and the jock squad laughing their asses off.

I just stood there glaring at them with a 'wtf ' look. "You shoulda seen your face!" Ronnie said bent over laughing. "Yeah it's my 'I'm gonna kick your ass' face." I said trying to go smack the shit outta him. Key word 'trying', before I could do anything someone was pulling me away. "Okay that's enough. Not today."

I groaned. "Stefan!! Why do you always ruin my fun." I complained turning to face the party pooper. "No, your fun always gets you in trouble. And I'm stuck saving you." He laughed causing me to chuckle. "No one asked you to be my Prince Charming and save me from the fire breathing dragon." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Are you done?" With that the annoying human walked up.

"There you are. I've been looking for you for like 5 minutes." 'Ugh, of course he's with her' Bitch! I thought. She thinks everything is about her. Everyone has to do what SHE says. "Oh I was just talking to Sam. So are you done?" He asked again. I smiled coming up with an idea to piss Elena off even more. "No. I like the hair cut. Better than the 40's." I smirked and Stefan frowned.

"Oh the fun we had. But I'll never forget November 4, 1943. Best night of our lives! Wouldn't you say Stefan?" Satisfied with the look on Elena's face, I walked past Stefan taking his drink with me.

~~Stefan's P.O.V~~

I was walking past the kitchen and I heard Sam. "Yeah it's my 'I'm gonna kick your ass' face." I saw her trying to walk towards him but I pulled her away. "Okay. That's enough. Not today." I heard her groan.

"Stefan!! Why do you always ruin my fun." She complained turning to face me."No, your fun always gets you in trouble. And I'm always stuck saving you." I laughed causing her to chuckle. "No one asked you to be my Prince Charming and save me from the fire breathing dragon." She said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "Are you done?" I asked. Before she could answer, Elena interrupted.

"There you are. I've been looking for you for like 5 minutes." "Oh I was just talking to Sam. So are you done?" I asked Sam again. I raised my eyebrow as she smiled. "No. I like the new hair cut. Better than the 40's." I frowned as she smirked.

"Oh the fun we had. But I'll never forget November 4, 1943. Best night of our lives! Wouldn't you say Stefan?" she walked past me taking my drink. OH ILL KILL HER!! "Whats she talking about?" Elena asked. "Um... nothing." Elena didn't need to know what happened. "Then how come you seem nervous?" She laughed nervously. "I'm not nervous. Just Damon's been acting weird lately. I feel like he's up to something." I lied. I've never lied to her without thinking, but she can never find out what happened.


Sexual Contents Ahead

"Seriously is that the best you've got?" Sam questioned as I dropped the girls body to the floor. "6 people in an hour!? I could have 6 people in 10 minutes!" "Shut the hell up Sam!" She growled at me. "I don't care if your the ripper or Stefan. I'll still kick your ass." I rolled my eyes. (I was the Ripper then)

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever let's go to S.A.N.L." She nodded. (Made up the club. it stands for Shots All Night Long)

2 Hours Later

We had drained half the people in the club. The other half was compelled to do whatever it is they wanted. We had drank probably over 40 shots already, and we were defiantly drunk. "RIPPER!!" Sam hollered stumbling drunkly over towards me. "Lets get you home Sammy." I laughed as she fell into me.

"Alright time for bed." I said walking through the hotel room door. "I have a better idea." She said sitting on the bed. She yanked my shirt pulling me on top of her. Even though she was drunk she was still pretty hot. Grabbing her face I kissed her roughly.

Sam's P.O.V.

He grabbed my face kissing me roughly. Really we have to be drunk to make out. I kissed back, my hands running through his hair. I moaned as he starting trailing kisses down my neck. "Stefan...." Next thing I know we're under the covers naked. "Stefan!!" I couldn't help but scream as he thrusted in and out of me. I'm not gonna lie. Out of my thousand years on earth have I EVER had sex like that. BEST sex of my life!! And it didn't stop there. We did it other times, and would have done more, but I had to leave. Mikeal could never know about Stefan or Damon or anyone I cared about. He'd use them against me and kill them. I couldn't handle the guilt if they died because of me.


Stefan's POV

"Let's just forget about her." I said trying to change the subject. Elena smiled. "Sure. Let's go to the back."

Shots, shots, shots, shot, shots!!

Shots was playing and everyone was dancing. I see someone in the woods looking at me. I look away to make sure I'm not dreaming, but when I look back their gone. Weird.

Sam's POV

I walked out to the back where most people were. I seen a DJ on a stage further in the back. "Hey new girl!! Take a shot." Jason hollered coming up to me, followed by Tyler, Ronnie, Austin, Seth, and Jesse. I grabbed the shot and downed it. "Okay this song was requested for the new girl. Miss Samantha Harrelson." The DJ said and everyone cheered as I raised the shot class as a thanks.

The boys smirked as Shots by LMFAO came on. Everyone started dancing and singing. "SHOTS SHOTS SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOTS!EVERYBODY!!!" I sang along. Well it was more yelling but who cares.Smiling and laughing I looked around and I could have sworn I seen someone in the woods. I swore it looked exactly like A- no. No way, it not possible. I'm just seeing things. I ignored it and kept dancing around with my new friends. Forgetting about Elena, and Stefan, and all the stress I had.

It was going to be a Tyler fanfic but I changed it to Stefan. I don't know why, I guess I just feel that she should be with Stefan. Most likely I'm putting Damon in the next chapter, cause he hasn't been in any yet. What would life be like without Damon? Probably boring, but I don't wanna know 😅 Songs: Show Me- Kid Ink ft. Chris Brown. Shots- LMFAO ft Lil John. Anyways hope everyone has a wonderful day. If anyone is reading 👻 but if anyone is then thanks. I know it sucks but still, it means a lot to me that people read even though it's horrible. So yeah I'll stop rambling now 😋

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