Chapter 1

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" Just wanna wait for a minute. Wait for a minute. Wait for a minute. Just wanna wait for a minute." I was driving in my black Camaro singing along to Justin Bieber 'Wait a Minute'. (I'm a Belieber btw) I was heading to one of the apartments so I could drop my clothes and stuff off. I had already called for a room so I just had to get the key.

~~Hour later~~

I head over to the grill considering its really the only place to go. "What can I get ya?" asked the bartender. "A shot of bourbon please." " You got it." I guess since I asked nicely he didn't need to see my i.d. Even though I was a hard ass and stubborn, I still have manners unlike most people today. What happened to this world? What idiot decided to disrespect the people in it? "Here's your drink." "Thanks." I said handing him some money. The man smiled.

I drowned the shot like it was nothing. I turned in the stool and looked around. At a table across from me I saw a group of teens laughing like there was no tomorrow. Two of them stood out. Stefan Salvatore and someone who looked like Katerina. Seeing Stefan's arm around her I figured she was a doppelganger. I remember when I met Stefan he told me about how Katerina played both him and Damon.

I knew about the whole doppelganger thing because of Klaus when he was going to try and use Katerina to break his hybrid curse. I wonder how that is going, but she's probably still on the run. I hope that conniving bitch gets what's coming to her. I never really liked her. Even when I first met her, I knew she was nothing but trouble. But Klaus and Elijah were smitten with her. Why? I have no idea.

I decided to walk over and introduce myself, just to have a little fun. They noticed me, and immediately stopped talking. Stefan smiled. "Stephanie, it's been to long." I said smiling at him. He got up and gave me a side hug.

"Sam! I haven't seen you since Florida. Finally decide to leave the beach?" "There are other beaches in the world Stephanie. But there will never be a beach like Clearwater." I laughed. The whole table was staring at us. The Katerina look alike was glaring at me. I waved smirking at her. "I'm Caroline Forbes. Stefan said Sam right?" The blond said seeming a little perky. I could sense she was a vampire. I nodded. They started going around the table. "I'm Bonnie Bennett,". Bennett, definitely a witch. "Matt Donovan," "Tyler Lockwood." Werewolf I thought. "Jeremy Gilbert," "Elena Gilbert." The curios ones.

"Samantha Harrelson but just call me Sam." I said. "Well Sam where are you from?" Caroline asked. " Can't really say. I mean I've moved around so many times." I explained." Where's Damon, Stefan?" I asked noticing he wasn't around. " Is he still on the whole ' I'm gonna ruin your life for all eternity ' thing?" When I travelled with Damon I remember him saying that he was gonna torture Stefan for eternity.

"How do you know Damon?" Elena asked and they all looked at me for answers. " She met us a couple weeks after we turned. She helped us control the thirst better after Emily left. And he's around somewhere." They all looked shocked. "Your a vampire?" They asked. " You knew Emily?" Bonnie asked. "Yes I knew Emily. We really only talked when we needed help from each other. And yes I'm a vampire, an original actually."

Song- "Wait a Minute" by Justin Bieber ft. Tyga

If anyone's reading. I know it's short but I promise I'll try and make the next one longer. And just saying " I don't own any characters from Vampire Diaries, only Sam." and I know this chapter is boring, if you guys could comment on something you want to happen then I'd really appreciate it. DREAM FOR HAPPY DAYS PEOPLE, HAPPY DAYS!!

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