Chapter 2

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Elena's P.O.V.

We were all hanging out at the grill, being happy for once. For once Klaus wasn't bothering us, hopefully he had left for good. "Omg you should've seen your face Matt. It was priceless." Caroline said. We had scared Matt when he had showed up to the boarding house.

"Yeah, yeah. It was hilarious." "Ahh he's mad." We all busted out laughing. I noticed Stefan look over and smile. We all looked over and noticed a tan girl with Brown reddish hair walking towards us. We immediately stopped laughing. "Stephanie , it's been to long." She said smiling. Stefan got up and side hugged her. "Sam! I haven't seen you since Florida. Finally decide to leave the beach?"

"There are other beaches in the world Stephanie. But there will never be another Clearwater." She laughed. We were all staring at her. Well me glaring, I didn't like how close she was to Stefan. I mean they were still hugging. He didn't hug Lexi that long when he seen her. She waved while smirking at me.

Caroline of course was the first to speak to her. "I'm Caroline Forbes. Stefan said Sam right?" Sam nodded. Everyone started going around the table introducing themselves. "I'm Bonnie Bennett," "Matt Donovan," "Tyler Lockwood," "Jeremy Gilbert," "Elena Gilbert." I said. "Samantha Harrelson but just call me Sam." She said. "Well Sam where are you from?" Caroline asked. "Can't really say, I've moved around so many times."

"Where's Damon,Stefan?" she asked. Wait how did she know Damon? "Is he still on the whole 'I'm gonna ruin your life for eternity' thing?" How did she know that? How did she even know Stefan? "How do you know Damon?" I blurted out. Everyone looked at her as if asking the same thing. That's when Stefan spoke up. "She met us a couple weeks after we turned. She helped us control the thirst a little better after Emily left. And he's around somewhere."

We all looked shockingly at her. "Your a vampire?" We asked together. "You knew Emily?" Bonnie asked. "Yes I knew Emily. We really only talked when we needed each other's help. And yes I'm a vampire, an original actually." She answered. " What the hell? How many of there are you? I thought there was only five of them?" Matt whispered yelled.

"Well there are 6 originals. The thing is they are related. Brother and Sister which you probably already know. I am an original but none of them are related to me. I was their neighbor. There parents treated me like their own, they were my other family. My family did not really care for me. You see in my parents eyes, I was a disappointment. I was not like my sister's. They liked to stay in the house, read books. I liked to play outside, you know get dirty. I really got in trouble when I would go out in the woods and catch the pigs, climb trees, wrestle with the other boys. My parents were ashamed of me. They barely acknowledged that I even existed. But hey not everyone has the perfect family right. Everyone knows of the original related vampires. No one really knows of me, because it was my choice to not be knowed." "Who would've thought? Another original." Jeremy said. "Are you a hybrid too. You know like Klaus and Tyler?"

Sam's P.O.V.

"Are you a hybrid too? You know like Klaus and Tyler?" Caroline asked. Hybrid? So he finally broke his mother's curse on him. I knew Tyler wasn't a complete werewolf. I could sense it. "So he finally broke the curse? First time didn't work-" I stopped. If Klaus broke the curse then how is the doppelganger here. They have to be human, and I didn't know of another doppelganger after Katerina.

I looked at Elena. I thought the doppelganger had to die. Wait a minute- Esther told Klaus in order to break the curse the doppelganger had to die. But if Elena's here & Tyler is alive. Then this means Esther tricked us. The doppelganger's blood helps the transition. They have to drink her blood. If she dies then he doesn't get his hybrids. I understand now. She knew if she told us that one day we would tell Klaus.

The Other Original (Vampire Diaries) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now