Modeling Crisis: Chapter 18

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I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked down and said,

"Glad I ran into you, girlfriend."

I wriggled out of his grasp and said,

"Ex-girlfriend, if you hadn't heard we broke up."

I started making my way past him and into the Starbucks when he grabbed my hand and pulled against his chest. He whispered in my ear,

"Even if we aren't actually going out, you're still my fake girlfriend. Get with the program."

I yanked back and said, rather loudly,

"I'd rather fake my death than be with you. You approach me again and I'll tell everybody about our little agreement. I could care less about the big show right now. I'm tired of being associated with you."

I spat and he recoiled and his face took on a look of anger and sadness. I smirked and said,

"Now are you leaving me alone?"

Jacob cast his eyes down and said softly,

"All I ever did was love you. I'm sorry I screwed up everything. Come on Nikki, we belong together. You and I can both feel it. We were meant for each other. People deserve another chance."

I stuttered, pain washing over my voice,

"Jacob, I gave three chances."

Jacob grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye and said,

"Name them, all three."

"First chance, when we started dating, you ruined it by cheating. Second chance, we were fake dating and it didn't matter what you did because I still hated your guts. Third chance, when we started dating again for real, you blew it by cheating. Jacob, I'm done."

I walked away from him, forgetting about my need for caffeine. Jacob had different plans as he jogged up to me and screamed, attracting attention,

"Nikki wait up! Hear me out! You've never let me explain what you saw in the trailer!"

"I don't want to hear anything!"

I shouted right back. A small crowd on people have slowed down, listening in on famous people arguing and their drama. Jacob crossed to me and grabbed my hand and said,

"Nikki we were just practicing a scene from the movie. I can even show you the script."

I snatched my hand back and crossed my arms and glared while I said,

"That explains why both scripts were on the floor, the door was closed, and why she rushed out when I found you guys."

Jacob sighs and says,

"Nikki, we just a little caught up in the act."

"So basically you're telling me that, the scene required one kiss but then you being an ass kept kissing her because you like seeing my heart shatter into a million. Pieces, yes that makes a lot of sense to me now Jacob. Thank you for the enlightenment."

"You're looking at this in all the wrong ways!"

Jacob shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. I sighed in disbelief and said,

"Then how the hell am I supposed to look at it? That my boyfriend just locks lips with whoever is in the movie-"


He tried cutting me off,

"Oh no, who said I was finished? I asked Lauren to call the director and find out what roles you guys were playing seeing as you had to kiss in this so said scene. Sasha plays your sister in the movie. Nice cover up lie. Had me fooled."

Jacob looked baffled that I unearthed his little secret. The look on his face told me I was right, everything I had said was a lie little did I know it was actually the truth. Good to see he can't keep a poker face for very long.

Jacob shouted as I started walking away again,

"We were meant for each other Nikki!"

"You don't have the right to call me 'Nikki' anymore!"

I yell angrily. A slick, black limo pulls up and Jacob climbs in without giving me a second glance. I whistled at Rosalie so we could leave.  A few minutes later she still hasn't come so I start shouting,

"Rosalie! Rosalie! Come here girl!"

I mutter under my breath,

"I hope Jacob  Mason rots hell."



***Author's Note***

in my opinion this chapter sucks. no worries the rest will be better. Nikki and Jake drama how nice :P

vote and comment please and super sorry on the long wait

8 reads and 5 comments????? Come on lovies I have faith in you..even if you just write one word please just comment below!!! and I mean how hard is it to press the "vote" button?

Thanks for all the support and from my "silent" readers love you guys soooo much !!

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